Chapter 9

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I should say something. I should stand up for her, make sure the rumours would stop. But I don't. Shame burns my cheeks as I melt into my seat, all eyes eventually finding their way to me after Shae leaves the room. Soon the eyes begin to wonder again; new, more interesting things capturing their attention.
Head hung low, I continue on with my charcoal sketch. The lines resemble a face, and have been for the past few lessons, but I can't pick who's. The jawline is masculine, yet the features are soft. Twinkling eyes, but with a sad expression.
With a couple more lines around the mouth, I suddenly recognise the face. A kind of terror overtakes me. Strong, sharp. Quick breaths. As quietly and subtly as I can I excuse myself from the class, grabbing the sketch in my fist as I leave.

This pain, like a sickness, looms over me - I can't escape it. It's infectious. It's pulsing. Bruising my eyes and tearing my skin. There's no escape. There's no escape. There's no escape.


It's study break, and instead of studying, I find myself wondering around the school, slipping in and out of the hundreds of buildings like a shadow. As usual. About halfway through, I hear a peculiar kind of chirping sound, but not exactly chirping. Kind of like a howl, but chirpier. The strange sound peaks my interest, so I begin to follow it. I quietly make my way through a small grove of bushes until I find the source of the noise. There, entangled in the branches of a dead bush, is the creature. Probably one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. The closest thing I can compare it to is maybe a lemur, with its creamy fur and dark markings across its face and wings. Yes, it has wings, in the form of a thick membrane stretching from its arms to its sides. The small creature, no bigger than a household cat, has massively out of proportioned eyes, and long, thick ears. It chirps sadly, flicking its monkey-like tail in irritation.
"Hello there," I say softly, taking a few slow steps towards her. As soon as she sees me she starts to struggle. "Easy girl." I coo as I gently lift a branch away, allowing her to untangle herself. She leaps to freedom, jumping up on a nearby tree and taking to flight. Her chirpy howling erupts in happy burst as she circles above my head a couple of times with the ease of a bird, before settling on my shoulder and licking my face. Her tongue is rough and wet. I find myself chuckling and petting her soft coat.
"What are you?"
Just then the bell goes, and the creature jumps back into the air and flies away, up through the trees and into the sky.
Somewhat disappointed, but still enlightened by the encounter, I make my way back towards my next class.

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