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A.N. Okay I know this is sorta predictable bc tons of other fanfics do this but give this one a chance. If you do, thank you.

"What’s wrong with you Ali?"

"Uh what?" I looked around the room, noticing Kelsey standing in the doorway. After realizing that I mustv'e woken up from awhile ago I sat up on my bed.

"Nothing's wrong Kelsey." I turned away hoping she hadn't seen my face. Kelsey could always tell when something was wrong with me.

"I don't believe you."

Crap, so she did see my face.

"Does it have to do with what Ryan said earlier?"

I turned to look at her and saw her scrunched up nose had created a few lines on her forehead. I couldn't lie to her.


I watched her walk towards me.

"I know you have feelings for him Ali but you have to get over him. And I know just the thing to get your mind of him. I'll be right back."

Kelsey left. An hour passed by and she still hadn't come back. I was about to doze off until I heard my phone ring.

Srry Ali, Steven invited me out to dinner last minute

Hmmm okay, wow. Just wow, she ditched me for Steven. Why did she have to text me this? Why couldn't she just tell me face to face. I mean, we live on the same fucking floor.

I stared at the clock. 7:10 pm, still too early to fall asleep, I was also hungry. I decided to venture out into the cold, mean, world.  

I put on some good ol' grey converse and decided to leave on the dress from earlier. I was actually to lazy to take it off but whatever.

Walking out of my room I felt alone. My best friend, my only friend, ditched me for a boy. My crush had friend zoned me in front of everyone. I was loser who had no one.

Grabbing the bus I got off at Walgreen's. Gosh I loved Walgreen's, they had everything I needed, ice cream and chocolate and makeup.

I arrived and headed straight towards the ice cream aisle. Opening the freezer door I searched desperately for cookie dough. I saw Rocky Mountain and decided on getting both. I was going to have a good night tonight. Smiling like a complete idiot I raced to the cashier, cutting through aisles. I was almost there until something, or rather someone crashed into me.

"Fuck." I said, I was pissed. Who was this person keeping me from my precious ice cream?

"Oh sorry babe. Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. Please excuse me I'm a bit tired, but that's no excuse, I should've been watching where I was going. Are you ok?" The worried man rambled on and on, he was starting to annoy me.

"You're right you should of been watching where you were going. Just stop saying sorry, it's not entirely your fault. I shoudv'e been watching where I was going too."

I got up from the floor and saw the stranger's hand extend towards me. Wanting to be polite I took it and looked up at the stranger.

Holy fucking shit, it was Liam Payne!

I tried to stay calm but how the fuck could I be? Liam, motherfucking Payne was standing right in front of me. I tried to speak, " Heyyy I-I-I uh I mean I-I-I-I-I'm uh."

Fuck, my stutter had come back.

"Are you okay? Here let me help you sit."

He held my hand. Then I saw black. Just black.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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