Up and Coming

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A.N. If you're still reading this, I love you 

I just do

        Just as the doors were about to close Steve, Kelsey's partner, walked in.  

        Now Steve was one of those guys that looked like they lived on the beach. He had that messy blonde hair, model face and amazing body that was always tan. He was confusing to people since he's lived in Vancouver for practically his whole life.

        "So our own TV show, huh? That's really cool." I said trying to vanquish the impending silence that was about to come. I was excited, but live TV? Just picturing all those cameras and people makes me shudder.

        "Yeah. Just imagine how much publicity we would get. We might possibly even get famous!" Kelsey really wanted this. 

        "Being on TV sure sounds awesome!" Steve was grinning from ear to ear.

        "Well we might be on TV." I exhaled.

        "Bah humbug spoil sport" Steve said, once again smiling.

        "Oh Steve leave her alone she's in a One Direction funk." She looked at me. 

        "Why? Are they performing here?"  

        "Yes, in fact they are and we are going" Kelsey said.

        Ding. The doors opened.

        "Really? Could I go with you guys?" Steve walked out.

        "Are you serious?" Kelsey chuckled.

A.N. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. Please leave a comment/vote, it'd mean a lot :)

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