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         "Get up Ali!"

         The only thing worse then getting up in the morning was getting up in the morning to exercise. But I had to, this was my dream. Figure skating that is, and the best part of all of this was getting to skate with Ryan. Oh, and of course my best friend, Kelsey.

         "I'm up, I'm up. What's going on today Ryan?" I rubbed my eyes in hope that they would open.

        "Well, first we have to go the rink. Will wants to talk to all the teams for some reason," Ryan said halfway through putting on a snug fitting t-shirt that rested perfectly on his chest.

         "Really, wh-"

        "Hey, are you ready guys?!"

     "You should really knock before you enter someone's room Kelsey," Ryan looked rather annoyed.

        Kelsey walked towards my bed. I saw her mouth begin to morph into a smirk.  

        "Why? Were you guys having sex?" 

      "What? Uh, no." I felt my face begin to blush. Why was I blushing? We hadn't been doing anything, sadly.

        "Calm down, it's only a joke I know you're just roommates and all. Are you dressed yet?" Kelsey questioned as she yanked my very warm blanket away from my cold body.

         I turned to Ryan, but as soon as our eyes met he looked away. Did I have something on my face? "Uh yeah sort of, I just need to put on some pants and a shirt and socks."

         Kelsey and Ryan both looked at each other. After a few awkward seconds of intense staring Ryan said, "Yeah, okay, I'll meet you guys downstairs." Ryan left the room and I knew what was about to come next.

         "Ahhh! Okay guess what!?" She yelled straight at me.

        "Um, what?" Now I knew what she was going to say because well, I have their notifications turned on and the tour was all everyone was talking about on twitter. 

        "Oh my gosh! So you know why Will wants to talk to us? It's because MTV wants to do a documentary type show on us!"

         "Wait, what?" I said confused because I was in fact confused. I thought we were talking about, well, I'll get into that later.

         "MTV wants to show a darker side of figure skating. Whatever that means" Kelsey proudly proclaimed. Her face beamed with pure joy.

         "Oh, really?" I asked.

         "What's wrong, you don't seem excited?" Kelsey walked over to my closet and started going through my clothes.

        "Oh, nothing it's just, I thought you were going to surprise me with, I don't know, maybe some One Direction tickets" I mumbled; I reached under my bed and started feeling up the floor. After what  seemed to be an eternity, I finally found the shorts that I had thrown under there yesterday.

       "What? Awww, are you still obsessed with them Ali?" She tossed a plain white tee in my direction.

        "I'm not obsessed with them. I mean not as much as like, a year ago." Kelsey's piercing green eyes sliced me in half. I knew she didn't believe me.

        "Yet you still buy all their albums?"

        "Their albums are amazing."

        Kelsey walked towards me and hugged me. I put my hands out to the side awkwardly, waiting for it to end. 

       "You know what, that's the second thing I was going to say, but you interrupted me," she smiled.

        I stared her down. 

       "Okay, I'm lying but I promise you we will go to their concert when they stop here in Vancouver." Kelsey said warmly.

         My mouth turned into a big U, "Kelsey, you're the best."

         "You're very welcome, but we really should be heading down to the rink."

        Kelsey handed me my worn out vans. I put them on and looked in the mirror. I studied myself over. Thoughts began to consume my head. Not the ones that were nice and raised a persons self esteem, the ones that tore someone down. I've been described as being okay looking, average even. All my life I knew I wasn't ugly, but I also didn't think I was beautiful or pretty like Kelsey was. Kelsey looked like a model. Guys constantly asked her out. My face wasn't anything special, it was just, average looking.

        "Okay, I'm ready, let's go." I grabbed my phone and followed her out. We walked towards the elevator and stepped in. I turned to Kelsey. Her brow was furrowed.

        "What was with Ryan this morning?" Kelsey asked.

        "What do you mean?"

        "Well, since when do I have to knock to come in?"

        "I'm sure he was joking, although, it is his room too."

        Ryan and I had a complicated relationship, I mean it wasn't really complicated but it was sort of weirdly plain. I've had a crush on Ryan ever since Will paired us up. Ryan was always somewhat flirty whenever we spoke, but the next day he'd always ask for my opinion on what he should wear on his dates. It was confusing trying to figure him out.

        "You know, I think Ryan has a crush on you Ali. He's always been sort of weird ever since you two got paired up together."

        "I...." I couldn't finish that sentence. I mean, what could I say? I want him to like me, but he dates model type girls. And I'm just, average.

       Ding. The elevator opened. 

        "Okay, fine, whatever let's go."  


A.N. This is my first ever story so feel free to leave any comments or suggestions on how I can improve it or if you see any spelling errors please tell me.

Thank you, I hope you enjoyed it :) 

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