Chapter 27-

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I woke up to something or someone putting some kind of pressure on my face. It didn't hurt at all; it was a kind of stroking feeling. But when I woke up fully I saw what was happening. Ares was sitting on my chest and liking with his tongue all over my face and in the background I heard chuckling.

"Ares," I exclaimed after realization hit me and I tried to whip his drool of my face, though, know it was sticking onto my hands. But Ares didn't let me put him away from me and happily began to jump onto my lap where he settled down just like that.

By now load laughter was filling the room and my eyes scanned the room for the noise. Kitty was still next to me chuckling at the sight of me and Reece was doing the same thing from his place next to his sister's door.

"Thanks for helping me out there guys," I told them sarcastically and they both just grinned at me in response.

"You know you will never get this chance again, to see somebody licking your face like that happily. He is probably the only male in this world, who wants to touch you." Reece said with a grin on his face. I knew he was joking, but it was way too early for that.

"You didn't seem to mind last time when you touched my face," I answered with a smirk and Kitty suddenly screamed, "Burn."

"Hahahah," Reece answered. "Your so funny."

"I know, I know," I said absently waving my hand. Absently, because one I was still tired, even when Ares woke me up and second because my last dream occupied in my mind. Or could I even call it a dream? My mother was alive and the bracelet I was wearing maybe could help me find her. But how was I going to do this?

"Earth to Celia, are you there?" Kitty asked me waving one hand directly in front of my face and I shook my head to clear my mind.

"Yes, of course, I was just spacing out," I told her with what I was hoping was a reassuring smile.

"You sure?" Reece asked stepping closer so that he was known standing next to the bed.

"Yes," I answered jumping out of the bed in one swift movement. But I forgot that Ares was still sitting on my lap and somehow I didn't notice that I was feeling weak. What came out was me stumbling and I would have hit the ground if it wasn't for Reece, who caught me in the last moment.

"Woahh," he said holding me stately on my waist to support me. "Careful there."

"Sorry and sorry Ares," I said when I tried to get my balance back. Nevertheless it didn't work, and I slumped back into Reece arms.

"Is she okay?" I heard Kitty asking with worry and then I felt Reece putting his hand on my forehead.

"No, she has a fewer," he said with a frown. And then he just swept me off my feet and put me back onto the bed while Kitty put a blanket over me.

"I can call the doctor," she immediately offered, and I was about to protest, but Reece already had told her that it was a good idea.

"I don't need a doctor," I said to him. "I don't even remember the last time I was ill," I admitted. And it was true, the last time I had been seeing a doctor was probably at my birth. How odd I only seemed to realize right now.

"Of course you don't remember," Reece answered me reassuringly. "We super humans rarely get ill."

"And don't worry she is getting Slade, he is our superhuman doctor, if you want to call it that."

"Really?" I only muttered, now feeling the aching of my body and the burning of my forehead. What was happening to me? And why know? First the thing with my mother and suddenly I get ill and Reece tells me that this is a raw thing for us super humans?

The perfect timing (In Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora