Chapter 12.5(Ryan's POV)

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I stood in the hall outside my room, monitoring the halls like I did every morning. But this morning was a little different. She was here, and despite Edith's firm warning, I couldn't help keeping my eye on her. When I first saw her come down the hall, she was looking straight ahead, like she was on a mission. Though it looked like she hadn't slept and her eyes were puffy from what looked like hours of crying. Besides her appearance, I couldn't help but feel a new found confidence in her. Something happened in that car. I needed to know what Sam told her, without getting close to Sarah.

Amber came out of her room and spotted me from across the hall. A smile snapped on her lips and she came sauntering over - exaggerating the swing of her hips. I tried my best to make sure my groan stayed internal. "You know, some of the teachers around here are starting to think you're anti-social."

Some of the teachers, meaning her. It didn't take me long to figure out that she was passive aggressively trying to ask why I've turned her down so many times. "I've just been really busy, just moved here and all."

Sam approached Sarah's locker and I watched her expressions carefully. She looked hurt, or confused, or maybe both? She was definitely putting space between them, which was strange. They were usually attached at the hip.

Amber tried to draw my attention back towards her by flicking her hair over her shoulder, "Well, why don't you take a break? Or," There was a slight hesitance in her voice, "If you need to get some things done at your new house, I could always come over and help. I'm great at interior design."

I forced a smile and looked slightly down at her, "I'm sure you are. But i'm really more of a loner." I peered back over at Sarah and Sam, then I realized I wasn't the only one watching. Zach Sanders was standing at his locker across the hall, staring at the two of them like he wanted to murder them. Sarah was talking very low, so it was hard for me to make out what she was saying with all the other noise surrounding me.

Amber crossed her arms over her chest and followed my gaze, "You should really brush up on your teacher conduct rules. Teacher - student relationships never end well."

She didn't say another word, she just sauntered back over to her own classroom. Which I was grateful for, her persistence was amusing at first, but now it was just annoying. I focused my ears on Sarah now, and tried to drown out all the other sounds.

"Sarah, please, you have to give me the chance to explain."

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and crossed her arms over her chest, "You have to understand how i'm feeling, Sam. Just standing here with you is making me uncomfortable."

He hung his head, "I know, and i'm sorry. I'd say it a million times if I thought it could make things better. But I need to explain everything to you and if you still hate me after that, then I won't bother you again. Just give me a chance to tell my side of the story. If I knew that we were going to be such good friends, I never would've done what I did. And I know that doesn't make it right, but I was protecting my family."

She nodded and seemed to be considering his offer, "After school, meet me at the park."



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