r a p u n z e l

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Everyone has a different perspective on the events that happen. There is always a surprise of the feelings of another.

I suppose the only reason that Honor did not know of Rapunzel's true feelings was because they all originated from Honor's weak point. Unknownst to her, but oh, so clear to Rapunzel, Honor just could not talk about the day that Rapunzel would leave her. The subject would leave her cross and emotional, as if she could not imagine an end to their life together.

Their life together. That was Rapunzel's conundrum. Was she happy or sad? Rapunzel couldn't find a word for how she felt; perhaps feeling like a balloon, being held down to the ground, but with a desire to soar through the clouds.

Rapunzel did not consider her mother her best friend. That would imply choice, or the knowledge of others to choose from. They were inseparable out of habit, by process of elimination.

It wasn't that Rapunzel didn't love her mother, but it was that Rapunzel couldn't understand how a person who claimed to love her could deny her her freedom like this.

You see, Rapunzel could see what this 'elevated cottage' was, as her mother once eloquently called it. It was tower of imprisonment, a prison of protection. Her home was sparse by Rapunzel's age of 17, lacking anything that could damage Rapunzel's mind or body. Rapunzel had every materialistic thing she could possibly want - to a degree - but not what she truly wanted; to run free, independent, chasing the horizon, having choices, being happily alone for once in her life. She would meet the prince of her dreams, the one who would rescue her one day from this jail cell. 

The only thing that Rapunzel could see that she wanted was the sunset out of her single window, a constant reminder that life is ending quickly and swiftly day by day, that time was ticking. Like the sun, all the light she could see was her future fading into the darkness. The future was important to build to, but first, a person needed a past and a present.

What Rapunzel needed was an escape, a way out to the future. And if it didn't come to her,

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