Chapter three

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Jacob POV

"I finally finished my work, but I keep think thinking about that girl I bump into she was like an angel, she had pretty browns eyes, I think a I'm falling in love with a stranger, but I have to think about school, yes girl second school first. the bell rings and I leave the room I have next some honers class, I get my stuff and go to class I sit in the back like always and keep my head down, about a min later she walks in and she sits two seats above me in the next row, wow her hair is perfect and real."


"After I run away from Jessie I have a honers class I need to go to, I start to think about Afro dude he might be there I get my stuff and head to class I walk in and see him siting in the back all the seat near him are full so I sit two seats above in the row next to him on the left, he Carmel soft skin is cute I can't really see his eyes because of his glasses."

Ms.Belly: hello class welcome to a class for honers for every subject today is Monday and on Monday it's language arts, don't get mad but we have a project on the first day

Class: WHAT!

Ms.Belly: it's easy you and a partner will write about each other. So first your going to interview stuff and write what you have in common and what you don't, your partners is on the bored

Jacob POV

"I walked to the bored and I see I am pair up with a girl name Ce-Ce so I look around and I don't know who Ce-Ce is."

Ce-Ce: who is Jacob

Jacob: me

Ce-Ce: well hi Jacob I am Ce-Ce your partner

"Yes I have her, her name is Ce-Ce what a very beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Ce-Ce: well I would come over to you house at what time?

Jacob: after school if that's ok

Ce-Ce: give me you address at lunch

Jacob: ok

"I sit back down, yes I have the most prettiest girl coming over and as a partner can this day get any better."


"I walked to the bored and see I am parried up with Jacob and I don't know who that is."

Ce-Ce: who Jacob

Jacob: me

Ce-Ce: well hi Jacob I am Ce-Ce your partner

"OMG yes I am with him, his name is Jacob, I still could not see his face or eyes, good thing I get to go over his house."

Ce-Ce: well I would come over to you house at what time?

Jacob: after school if that's ok

Ce-Ce: give me you address at lunch

Jacob: ok

"I sit back down and progress what happened, his hair is cute he has soft Carmel skin, he is shy and he keeps his head down at lot, I wonder if he had been bullied before because he seem like it, I like as a friend (For now at least)


"They work until the bell rings, it's lunch time Ce-Ce walks to her locker she put her stuff in there and walks with sunny to lunch, she sees Jessie winks at her, while Jacob already has his lunch, he decide to sit out side and eat lunch at the back table."


Sunny: you saw the new kid with the fro?

Ce-Ce: yeah his name is Jacob, she really shy and quite

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