Chapter Twenty-Eight

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My mind was racing a million miles an hour as I stared at the headstone. This didn't feel real, none of it did.

She didn't die beautifully. She was beautiful, amazing, funny and full of life. But she didn't die beautifully; and that's what makes it worse.
Or that's what the cops said five minutes ago. This didn't make any sense.

She died in pain, splattered in blood, her heart striving to beat but it couldn't. Her hair a mangled mess, her skull smashed into the front of the steering wheel and her teeth cracked and broken, falling onto her lap. She was crouched over, every single rib broken and protruding out the skin of her stomach. Face tear streaked as her arm broke in half and her legs where crushed into her body. I seen it. I was there. Why was I there?

They said her heart stopped after around ten minutes.

Mila, my beautiful sister, sat there for almost ten minutes thinking because she was still alive, that she might make it. That she would get to come home and her three babies would wrap their tiny arms around her legs and hang on as she walked. That we would all come round for her birthday next week, drink a little and laugh till the early hours of the morning.

But she didn't. She lay there, dying.

I spoke to Luke. To say his heart was broken was an understatement.  It was as if his heart was in the seat next to her when she crashed and had died with her. Gabriel was upset, but Luke was so fucking lost a thousand maps couldn't help him.

"She was my person, and now all I have left is traces of her DNA and the reliance of my memory." He cried into my shoulder, as I cried into his.
This can't be real.

"She'll never finish The Great Gatsby, even though it's her favourite book and she's read it twelve times before until the pages where frayed and she could recite the ending sentence." I spluttered.

I didn't know she read.

My mother and father couldn't even speak. They where too full of grief and anger and hurt to function. Why couldn't they speak?

"It was as an car accident that drove us together, and a car accident that tore us apart." Luke said. "And it was the same fucking road as well."
Why was Luke telling me this?

I stared at her grave, her name etched permanent in stone. Here she would stay forever.
I began to rock back and forward, my vision going blurry and sick starting to come up my throat. And then everything just went dark.


"Matias? Matias?" My eyes fluttered open and I looked blearily in front of me. "Matty, where am I?"
My heart began beating rapidly and for a moment I never knew where I was, but as I came to me senses I recognised the familiar decor of the bland room and the tubes flowing everywhere.
And there was only one person that called me Matty.

"You had a bit of an accident, but you're going to be okay." I kissed my sister on the head and she gave me a small smile. "I'll be right by your side whenever you need me."

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