Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Two years later.

"Sandy, come on! Daddy's here." I shout as I struggle to carry three little suitcases in my hand and balance a child in the other. Tiny little feet coming padding through with a pair of converse in her hand. "Come on, sit down and let me put your shoes on."

"I'll do it." Gabriel says, coming through to the hallway and kissing me on the cheek. He grabs Sandy under the armpits and sits her down on the bottom step. "Come on, little missy. Shoes on." 

Gabriel and I have been married for just over a year now. We bonded over our mutual love of my younger brother, and he asked me out on a date whilst one of his instructors took my brother out for a sailing lesson. He makes me happy, an undeniable happy. He also makes my kids happy, and that's even better. 

The door bell goes and I unlock it to where Luke and Gem stands with beaming faces. 

"Dada!" Sailor cries in my arms and reaches out for him. He's so like Luke in so many ways I can't even describe. Right down to the scrunched nose when he's grumpy and the long, dark eyelashes that frame his beautiful blue eyes.

Luke is married as well. To Gem believe it or not. I don't know if you remember Gem from that night at the club. Well she's cool, and I like her.

"Hey little buddy." Luke grins and kisses Sailor multiple times all over his face, my little boy giggling at his daddy's silliness.

"Daddy!" We all turn as a loud screech comes from the living room and out runs Summer, her frizzy blonde hair all over the place as she latches onto Luke's leg. 

"So you'll pick 'em up Sunday, right?" Luke says and I hand Gem their bags. 

"Yep, 12 o'clock on the dot." I reply. "Give mummy a kiss."

I pick Sandy up from the step and give her a big kiss to which she squeals in delight before kissing the other two. 

"I'll see you in a few days, okay. I love you." Luke and Gem help them into the car, click them into their seats, and Gabriel and I wave as he drives away in his blacked out four by four. 

Shutting the door, we turn around to look at the mayhem that is having three children under the age of three. There are toys scattered everywhere, tiny shoes and odd socks lying about the floor, and don't get me started on the marker pen on the wall. I promise they're not delinquent children, they're just a bit hyperactive. 

"I need to go, I'm going to be late meeting my brother." I say to Gabriel, picking up my phone from the cabinet and taking my bag off the beg. "He must be the only seventeen year old boy in Australia that's more worried about seeing his sister than his girlfriend."

I haven't seen Riley, if you're wondering. I don't intend to.

"Are you sure it's okay for me not to come?" He asks, winding his arms around my waist and kissing me. 

"I'm sure. Go have fun at your boat collectors meeting, or whatever it is." I laugh and unlock the door. 

"It's a council meeting for the new sailing season." He whines, knowing full well I'm only teasing. 

"Sure, whatever." I giggle. "I'll see you when I get back. Love you."
"Love you too." He calls as I shut the door and climb into my car that's parked rather badly in the driveway running up the side of our house. 

I sing along to the radio as I drive along the highway between North Shopping Centre and the strip, where I'm apparently meant to be meeting my brother. It's pretty quiet for a Wednesday night but it is eight at night; who drives here at this time anyway.

My phone buzzed from beside me and I quickly glanced at the road before picking it up and looking at the text Luke had sent me. It was a picture of our three babies asleep in the back seat of his car. One hand on the wheel, and my phone in the other; I reply with a series of emoji's expressing my affection for the three children that drive me up the wall. I smile at the photo again.

What happened next was something out of a high action thriller movie. 

I hear the screech of brakes, and jumping in fright I look up as a car comes hurtling towards me. In a series of quick movements, my phone is thrown to one side and my two hands grip onto the wheel as my car darts to the right. 

I have never screamed so loud in my life as I did then. 

I missed the car by mere millimeters and instead drove straight off the highway and down a sharp slope headed straight for the sea. Desperately, I cried out as I bounced my feet on and off the brakes, yet nothing would give as I spun round and round. Eventually the car began to flip. rolling down the hill and I rattled about in the car. I could hear my bones cracking and breaking as I was thrown around. 

The blood in my veins ran cold and my heart felt as though it would beat right out my chest as I slammed my head off the steering wheel and the car began to slow down. It wasn't done yet though. Dazed and confused, I looked up in time to witness my car drive head first into a jagged rock face.

I can't feel anything. I can't see anything. I can't hear anything. 

The Summer I Went Sailing {L.H}. ~ Book 3Where stories live. Discover now