Chapter Six

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Frank P.O.V

I ran my tongue over my lips, the chapped skin rough against it. I sighed, having finished my set. I automatically headed over to the bar, almost zombie-like. My mind craving alcohol. I was given a beer, bit the cap off, spitting it onto the floor. After staggering away from the bar, I sat in the corner of the room, wanting be away from everybody in the room. I was still waiting on Mary to bring back my jumper, my skin had broke out into goosebumps. Shivering, I poured my beer into my mouth. My mind's cravings instantly quenched.

I closed my eyes, resting my head on the table. The wood was cold, enough to soothe a headache that I could feel was approaching. My fingers were still tightly wrapped around he neck of the bottle, making sure that the liquid didn't warm with my warm hands. I heard many familiar voices, other people who were in situations similar to mine. Family outcasts. I felt at home in this dingy bar, I knew everybody that walked in. They were my family, their voices cheering me up.

"Beer." I heard a voice say, this time I didn't recognise them. I rested my chin on my arm, eyes squinting as they adjusted to the dim light of the room. There was a tall man standing by the bar, his crisp grey suit too expensive for him to be here. He was pristine, his dark hair neatly gelled. I was intrigued, his voice seemed to be angry. I wanted to know why.
I watched him turn on his heel, skulking into a far corner of the room. I drank from my own bottle, watching him drink from his. He paced himself, his expression telling me that he had had a bad day. There were frown lines where there shouldn't have been, his left hand curled tightly into a fist.

After finishing drinking mine, I decided on taking my money instead of drinking any more. Staggering over to the bar, I felt like I was being watched. I placed the empty bottle down on the bar, my hand outstretched. He placed a bundle of notes into my open palm, that feeling not seeming to leave. Heading over to the front door, I stopped in the doorway. I didn't bother to look behind me, deciding on going to Mary's house. I didn't want to go back to that motel room alone, knowing that I could talk to Mary.

It wasn't a good idea to drive drunk, but I was intent on getting away from that bar. The guy that had wandered in made me feel uncomfortable- mostly because he was so attractive. He probably had a wife, a few kids, just wanting to escape from married life for a short while. I threw the door to the driver's side open, lowering myself into it. I shoved my money into the glove compartment, knowing that if I didn't put it in there I would spend it on something dumb. I remembered the way to Mary's distinctly, she still lived with her parents. Although she wanted to move out as soon as her little baby was born. The household was violent, and was tearing at the seems from her father's antics. I had my suspicions about him- many, many suspicions. With every word that he spoke I wanted to punch him square in the jaw, but instead I kept quiet for Mary's sake. She didn't need any more stress on top of the stress that she had for me. She liked to mother me- (she would've been the perfect mother.)

The lights were on, Mary was sat in the window. Her sullen expression immediately evaporated as my car came to a halt. I watched her waddle off to open the door, her tiny frame struggling under the weight of the baby. Light streamed out from behind it as it opened, her smiley face irradiating my anger. I chuckled, slamming the door shut, twisting the key in the lock. I didn't want anybody stealing my money, I would be more than pissed.

"I fixed your sweater." She giggled, her arms outstretched to welcome me into a hug. I smiled, wrapping my arms around her, her stomach like a barrier between us. Her hair smelt like strawberries, the aroma filling my head.

"Thanks. I appreciate it." I chuckled, her dainty fingers wrapping around my arm, dragging me inside. Her father was seated at the table, reading a newspaper. It was one from a while ago, it's pages yellow and creased. He looked over it momentarily, shooting me a dirty look. I didn't retaliate, instead I rolled my eyes as I turned around. He probably thought that I was the father of her baby; it turned out that he knew exactly who he was.

"Are you drunk?" She asked, trying to smell my breath. I leant back, pulling a face at her.

"I've had one beer, that is all." I said truthfully, holding up one finger. She punched my arm playfully, barring her teeth.

"Did you get your money from tonight?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Of course, I made sure that I did. I was going to drink a little more and walk home, but there was this guy. And, uh, things got a little uncomfortable." I confessed, running a hand through my tangled hair.

"A guy? What was he like?" She asked, her bright smile imploring me to go into more detail.

"Uh, he was really tall. He was wearing this really expensive suit, red tie, black hair- he just didn't belong there." I said truthfully, the thought of him making me a little sad.

"Nonsense, he must have been there for a reason." She smiled, pinching my cheek.
Song Of The Chapter- China Girl by David Bowie

It's finally the school holidays, they're literally the best times of my life. Not even joking, I despise education (but I like learning shit so I'm contradicting myself XD)

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