Chapter 1

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Charlie's POV - 

I've done it.

I can't believe I actually did it. Sure, I've done other outrageous things like the time I teepee'd the principal's house, started the food fight of the century as well as sold fake Katy Perry concert tickets without getting caught, but that was nothing compared to what I had just accomplished.

I've made the impossible, possible.

I am, right this very minute, standing in the overgrown, front yard of the haunted house on Cherry Lane. Pretty ironic right? Putting a haunted, blood-curling house in a place where the name of the street could be associated with such a vibrant coloured food. But then again the deep red colour of a cherry also went hand in hand with blood.

I felt a wave of pride wash over me, I allowed myself to register the fact that I am the first ever person known to my generation to have ever stepped into, let alone near, the yard of the freakiest house known to man-kind. That was only short-lived though, a giddy feeling began to set in as I remembered I was still yet to enter the house itself.

I'm not entirely sure why I wanted to explore the haunted house in first place. It was on my bucket list, to explore a haunted house, but I just felt the natural urge to do something exciting and adrenaline rushing, it was just this thirst I had for an adventure and pulling pranks just wasn't enough for me. I wasn't getting sick of doing them, no way!

I guess it felt too familiar and I wanted something new, foreign, something no one has ever done before.

The house that stood before me had probably once seen better days, it looked pretty medieval, meaning it must have been standing there for quite a while now.

The broken windows, weathering stone walls and it's looming structure did support the gothic look it had going on, but what gave the house it's character the most was the gargoyles that were perched on the roof of the house.

This house had to be seriously old, nowadays the only place you'd find gargoyles were on a ancient castle in Europe, not on the roof of a house in an American suburb.

The psychical characteristics of the house did put me on edge quite a bit, but what made me feel like making a break for it were the rumors that went around school about this house.

Some people believed that this house once belonged to a mass murderer whose victim's bodies were hidden inside, others believed that the house was filled with unsettled spirits or ghosts, wanting to get revenge on those who'd made their life living Hell.

They were only rumors, besides ghosts don't exist, but that didn't stop me from feeling shaken and slightly scared. Slightly.

I took a big gulp of fresh, unscathed air, only to let it out once more as a long sigh. I took steady breaths while jogging on the spot and shaking my hands by my sides, doing this in an effort to calm myself down a bit. Thinking of the rumors got me on edge, tensed. I was a fairly superstitious person.

'You can do this'. I chanted to myself repeatedly, just like a person getting ready for the race of their lifetime. I am after all Charlie freaking Jennings, the bad ass girl who everyone was afraid of messing with knowing they'd get their arses whipped if they so much as touched her.

This may sound a little cocky it was partially true though, people were afraid of me, well more afraid of my love for pulling pranks, thank my older brother for that, but an ego-boost may help a bit, especially in a situation like this.

'You can do this, you're Charlie freaking Jennings'. I chanted to myself for the last time before making my way to the house. I took slow, small steps, afraid that the ground would fall apart beneath my feet any minute.

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