Chapter 2- Snow

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Rose's funeral was an out of body experience for the Doctor. He hadn't at all wanted to go, but then again who really wants to attend their wife's funeral? What he was afraid of was having to face all those people, Rose's friends and family, the people she loved and who loved her too. He couldn't face them knowing that he hadn't been able to save Rose. However, he didn't have much of a choice in the matter. So he donned his black suit and necktie and joined his in-laws for the car ride.

The weather that day was beautiful, not at all how it seemed the day of Rose's funeral should be. No ominous grey clouds hanging in despair, no dark, bleak skies. The sun shone with a cheery brightness, although there was still snow on the ground and the air bit at their noses. How dare the sun shine, the Doctor thought ruefully, how can anything look lovely and jovial when Rose no longer exists?

They pulled up at the church, a gorgeous building, similar to the thousands of other Christian churches like it. The last time he'd been here, Rose was wearing white. Now that felt like a lifetime ago. The mourners moved into the church and settled into the pews as a speech was given about Rose, and one by one friends and family stood and said a few words. Even though the Doctor tuned most of it out, there were still silent tears trickling down his cheeks. When he was called up to speak, he just pieced together a few words about how much he loved her and thanked everyone who cared about her.

The service was closed-casket upon the Doctor's request. He wasn't keen on the idea of people gawking at his Rose, it made him uncomfortable to have them look at her unmoving form. After her coffin was six feet under, people gave their condolences and left. It was then when little Tony Tyler spoke.

"When is Rosey coming home?" the four year old asked with innocent curiosity. He hadn't quite grasped the concept of death yet.

Jackie Tyler sniffled and took a deep breath before answering him.

"She's not coming home, sweetheart, she's in a better place now" she said. Her voice shook as she spoke.

At this, Tony's eyes filled with tears.

"But home is the best place there is" he said perplexedly, his bottom lip quivering.

Pete Tyler picked up his son and held him on his hip.

"You'll understand soon enough, Tony" he said as he pressed a kiss to the boy's temple.

Pete looked to the Doctor.

"Are you coming back to the mansion with us?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

The Doctor shook his head.

"No, no I think I'll just head back to the flat actually" he mumbled, not meeting anyone's gaze.

"But what about the baby?" Jackie interjected "She's at the mansion with a nanny now, don't you want to see her?"

A lump formed in the Doctor's throat, causing his voice to waver when he answered her.

"I-" he stopped for a moment and dared to meet the worry filled eyes of Rose's family "No"

"No?" Jackie repeated incredulously, taking a step toward him "She's your daughter, Doctor. She needs you"

She reached for his hand but he pulled away and turned his back on her, on them.

"I'm going to walk home" he decided, ignoring the fact that walking home would take ages "I'll see you round I suppose"

He began walking at a brisk pace, but not fast enough that his efforts to avoid them would be more obvious than they were already.

"Oi, I'm talkin' to ya-!"

Jackie started to yell at him, but Pete shook his head at her.

"Best to leave him be" said Pete solemnly.


The Doctor walked for hours. It was dark by the time he reached his street, and fresh snowflakes were swirling through the chill night air around his head. He hated the snow. He hated winter. He hated this city. He hated this world. He hated his counterpart for leaving him here. But most of all he hated himself.

But he didn't used to hate the snow.

"This is beautiful!" Rose cheered.

She stood ankle-deep in shimmering white powder, her arms out at her side as she caught snowflakes in her gloved palm and on her tongue. Her cheeks were rosy and her warm brown eyes watered slightly at the cold. A messy blonde braid was tossed over her shoulder, and it sparkled with bits of ice and snow. She knelt down and scooped up a glove full of snow. After quickly shaping it into a mound, she chucked it at him, and laughed gleefully as it collided with his shoulder.

"Come on Rose, you're a better shot than that" he teased, brushing the snow from his coat.

But of course she'd missed on purpose. She'd never want to hit his face.

"Oh?" she replied, grinning cheekily.

She hurled another snowball in his direction, but this time the Doctor ducked. He bent down to grab a snowball for himself. It was then that one collided with his back.

"Oh, now it's on!" he laughed.

Snowballs flew in both directions, some hitting Rose and some hitting the Doctor.

"Alright! Rose, I surrender!" he cried as yet another one of her throws collided with his chest.

Rose beamed at him. He'd always want to remember that smile. So happy, so full of life. His Rose blossoming at her finest.

"Since, I won..." she said, taking a few steps toward him as she spoke "Do I get a kiss?"

The Doctor wiggled his eyebrows playfully and snaked a hand around her waist.

"To the victor go the spoils" he murmured before kissing her deeply.

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