Teen Idle- Marina and the Diamonds

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A/N: This isn't Klaine. I meant to add Blaine in but I didn't have time. Woops.


This isn’t the life Kurt Hummel wanted, not really.

He flicked his cigarette, and tried to pretend to watch the ashes fall while his eyes flickered over to the parking lot adjacent from the bleachers he was hiding underneath, where a group of kids were standing in a circle, laughing and smiling and singing. The glee club.

Before his father died, Kurt used to sing like that. He enjoyed it, too. But then things changed. He changed. What once was a song in his heart was now one too many piercings, pink streaked hair, and the start of what must eventually become lung cancer.

The more he started at the Glee kids, the more irritated Kurt became. That could have been me, Kurt thought bitterly.

Kurt was broken out of his trance by a voice.

“Hey, Kurt,” The Mack said. “Q and I are going down to the corner store to stock up on some more cigs. Come with?”

Kurt let out a slow puff of smoke, flicking his cigarette into the dirt and smothering it with his heel. His eyes flickered up to the glee kids once more, before he looked back at The Mack.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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