Light My Candle- Rent

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"Hey! Blaine, right?" Kurt knocked on his neighbor's open doorframe.

"Yeah... you are?"

"Kurt Hummel, I'm in the dorm next to yours. Also, I'm in your algebra class. Which is actually why I'm here. I was wondering if you had the homework."

"Oh yeah, sure. Here," Blaine said, digging through his backpack and handing Kurt his planner.

"Oh thanks! I'll just run to my room and copy this down..."  Kurt said, starting out the door, but stopping abruptly. "Damn, do you have a pencil?"

"Oh, here. Borrow mine."

"Thanks! And, uh..."


"Thanks." Kurt jotted down the assignment, smiling slightly. "Thanks, Blaine! See ya in class?"

"Uh, sure..." Kurt left with a little wave, and Blaine was speechless. 

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