Bump In The Night...LITERALLY!

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As the gang talked about what they saw at the castle tonight, Emile walked by, surprising the Mystery Inc crew.

"Mystery Inc, you all seem rather cheery." Emile smiled, whilst walking up to them . "Good news, we hope?"

"Mr. Mononucleosis?" Fred looked to them. Braedey covered up a snicker, since Fred got the name wrong.

The man looked annoyed that he got his name wrong, but allowed him to go on. "Yes?" He asked.

"We have hit a clue smorgasbord." Fred continued, as Velma showed the pyramid Braedey and Daphne found earlier tonight.

"We have three suspects as to who's behind this evil hooty." Daphne added to Emile.

"Yep." Braedey said, crossing his arms.

Shaggy put up three fingers for emphasis.

"N'Goo Tauna," Velma listed the first suspect. "He believes your theme park has been built on enchanted ground."

"The voodoo man, who surely tricked me and Braedey into going to the castle." Daphne added, listing the second suspect.

"And you..." Fred pointed to Emile, which made him look gobsmacked. "Okay, gang. Let's split up, and meet here in half an hour. I'll interview employees to see if they've noticed anything odd." he told the gang.

"You got it, Fred." Braedey nodded. "I'll do some walk arounds the hotel, and see if there's anything out of the ordinary around this part of the building."

"I'll work on this and translate these inscriptions that Daphne and Braedey found." Velma added, holding the pyramid.

"I'll go research cults on the Net." Daphne told her, then the two girls high-five, and head on their way. Braedey nodded, and he began to do his walk around the hotel, acting casual.

"I'm a suspect?" Emile asked in surprise.

"Don't take it personally. It's mostly because you, creep me out." Fred told him, and walked off to ask employees about anything odd, whilst Shaggy and Scooby head off to the bar.


Braedey walked around the hotel, and so far, there seemed to be one sign of anything out of the ordinary. He sat down next to Scooby next to a window, and he listened to the sound of a piano playing, unaware that it was N'Goo playing it.

"Hey." A blonde girl sat down next to Braedey. The brunette knew this girl was from the plane, and she was a nice girl. "Did your friends leave you?" She asked, as she sat down next to him.

"Nah, I was just looking around." Braedey replied, then looked at his right arm. He gave it a little tug, and the lower arm came off, whilst the connection to the elbow stayed there. He flicked his left wrist, and a screwdriver appeared from his wrist, and he held it. Then, he propped a hatch on his right arm open, and he began to do some slight adjustments to his arm.

The blonde girl noticed this. "That's a cool arm." She told him. "Do you do this regularly? Like, tinker with things in your spare time?" She asked.

Braedey looked at her and smiled. "Yeah. Sometimes, fixing things reminds me of the good days I had when I was with Mystery Inc. all those years ago..." He began to think back, whilst tightening a screw...


The Mystery Machine was racing down an empty stretch of road in the desert, travelling along, whilst something was sliding around behind the van. It was Braedey, but riding on a piece of metal shaped into a round trash can lid-like piece. He was wearing a blue tank-top with a pair of denim jeans, and he had his regular arms on, since this happened prior to the Luna Ghost mystery. He laughed, as he slid along the road, but pulled himself closer to the van, and climbed in.

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