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Third Person POV

Izaya walked to the alleyway where he was to meet the infamous hacker, Zer0. Izaya had a mask on his face and was wearing a white shirt with a green collared jacket and khaki shorts. He wanted to make sure that Zer0 can't tell it's him, so he wore a different outfit than his usual one.

When he made it there, he saw Zer0 sitting down, hugging a backpack. His eyes looked really tired.

"Excuse me?"

Zer0's eyes turned to looked at the person, "Yes?"

"Um, are you Zer0?"

"Oh! Hello, nice to meet you, K.C."

The two shook hands.

'This guy doesn't even realize I'm the person he hacked! Ha!' Izaya laughed mentally.

"Back to you, Zer0!"

They chatted about the job and the price.

"Okay, here let me get your payment..." Izaya reached behind his back to grab his handy-dandy pocketknife instead.

"Oka- Holy [beep]!" Zer0 moved back slightly so he wouldn't get slashed by the sharp blade.

"Aw, I was so close!" Izaya ripped off his mask and threw on the ground, "Anyways, it was really nice to meet you, Mister Zer0, but I would loveee to know who's under the mask. So, please excuse me!"

Izaya smirked and quickly lashed out again. Zer0 was able to dodge the first two attacks, but since he was already exhausted, his movement became slower. He was kicked down by Izaya, and was held down by the info-broker's knife resting on his neck.

"Well, that wasn't very fun or long at all!" Izaya fake pouted, "Oh, it's okay! It just means I'll get my prize earlier!"

Izaya pulled the mask and the wig off Zer0 rapidly. His smirk slowly lowered as he saw who the person was.


Using Izaya's shock as an advantage, (M/N) kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, grabbed his stuff, and ran.

'Well, that could of went better...' (M/N) thought.


(M/N) walked alongside Shizuo as they headed towards Kasuka's apartment building. Kasuka had heard about (M/N)'s arrival in the city and wanted to have a little reunion with the other two.

"Personally, I think the (favorite flavor) milk tea is the best."

"Hm, I like the banana chocolate smoothie more."

"I mean it's okay... But I still think the milk tea is better."

As Shizuo started to rant about the two drinks, (M/N) noticed a certain person walking towards them.


"Hey, Shizuo?" (M/N) interrupted Shizuo's long speech, "I think we should head the longer way."

"Huh? Why? We're pretty close already. Plus we're also seven minutes late..."

"No reason; let's go."

(M/N) grabbed Shizuo by the arm and tried to pull him to the other street.

"What the heck has gotten you so intent on going-"

"Why hello, Shizu-chan and (M/N)!"

(M/N) freezing in place, 'Shoot.'


Hey guys! Sorry this took super long to get out!

Anyways, I have some important news! This took a while to decide, but this book will on hold/under editing for a few weeks to months.

I came to the decision to have it so that every ten chapters I will put the book under editing. This way once this book is finished or if it ever gets finished, I won't have to edit a whole bunch of chapters at once.

So, yeah! Sorry if this disappoints you, but that's what I think is the best. Hope you understand! Bye! :0)

PS: Thank you guys so so much! I can't believe we made it 2k reads and 120+ votes! You guys are so amazing! Thank you again! :0)

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