7 Years Later

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*June 27, 2038. Chloe, Chase, Coraline and Celeste are 10. Collin and Zoey are 9. Casper, Robert, Christian and Sophia are 7. Christopher Martin and Cameron Edward Baylor were born May 7, 2035 at 0400. Chris was 7 lbs 14 inches and Cameron was 6 lbs 13 inches. They are now 3. Ramona Jennifer Bolton was born May 7, 2035 at 0600. 5 lbs 5 oz and 12 inches. Now 3. Cecilia Olivia Bolton was also born on May 7, 2035 at 0700. 7 lbs 9 oz and 18 inches. Now 3. Bree Alexia Evans was born May 7, 2035 at 0300. 6 lbs 4 oz and 11 inches.
Now 3. April Evelyn Bolton was born July 22, 2036 at 1900. 8 lbs 7 oz and 23 inches. April is now 2 almost 3. Addison married Oliver Jonas Queen and they had a baby girl on July 22, 2036 at 1700. 6 lbs 4 oz and 22 inches. Her name is Rey Olivia Queen. Rey is now 2 almost 3. Valeria is 5 months pregnant with a baby girl.
Valeria and Corey are going to the Cross household*
Corey- CHLOE!
Chloe- Yes?
Corey- Can you watch Chase, Coraline, Celeste, Collin, Christopher and Cameron?
Chloe- SURE! When are you leaving?
Corey- 5 minutes!
Chloe- HOW LONG?
Corey- ABOUT 2 hours!
Chloe- OKAY.
*in the car*
Valeria- We need a name for our daughter.
Corey- I like Cora, Heaven, Gabriella, Tiffany, Brooklyn, Haley, Jane, Penelope, Rosie, Riley and Maya.
Valeria- I like Maya, Penelope, Rosie, Heaven and Gabriella.
Corey- Out of those, I like Heaven, Gabriella, Maya and Penelope.
Valeria- What about our "C" name trend?
Corey- Eh who cares!
Valeria- True.
*Corey takes his eyes off the road for a split second*
*it all goes black. At their house. The phone rings*
Chloe- Hello?
???- Hi. Is this Chloe Baylor?
Chloe- Yes. Who is speaking?
Madison- Madison Elizabeth Matthews from Albuquerque's local hospital. Do your parents happen to be Valeria and Corey Baylor?
Chloe- Yes. Why?
Madison- Unfortunately they were in a car accident on the way to someones house.
Chloe- Oh.
Madison- Is it possible for you to come out to the hospital with your siblings?
Chloe- Of course. Could you please call Gabriella and Troy Bolton as well as Sharpay and Zeke Baylor?
Madison- Of course. See you soon!
*at the hospital 29 minutes later*
Gabriella- I'm here for a Valeria and Corey Baylor.
??- Of course. Right this way. Corey is in room 789 and Valeria is still in surgery.
Troy- Thank you.
*in Corey's room*
Chloe- Dad! What happened? Where's mom?
Corey- Slow down Chloe. Your mom and I were picking out names and then we crashed. Mom's still in surgery.
Christopher- Daddy! Up!
*Corey lifts both Chris and Cameron onto his lap careful of his right leg*
Chase- What happened to your leg dad?
Corey- It's broken in 5 different places.
Coraline- Ouch.
*a doctor comes in*
Dr- Family of Valeria Baylor?
All- Yes?
Dr- Valeria's right lung is punctured, her left leg broken in 9 different places, right arm broken in 3 different places and some internal bleeding in her liver.
Corey- What about the baby?
Dr- A dr is looking at that right now.
*the other dr comes running in and whispers something to the other*
Dr 1- WHAT?
Dr 2- I said, we need to do an emergency c-section right away!
Dr 1- Why?
Dr 2- Her uterus is becoming smaller as we speak.
Corey- But she's only 5 months!
Dr 2- It's better for the baby to be out than in right now.
Corey- Oh.
Dr 2- Can I get two people to come with me and watch this c-section? Corey, are you up for it?
Corey- I should be as long as I don't stand.
Dr 1- I'll get a wheelchair.
Dr 2- One other person.
Gabriella- I'll go. I'm her mom.
*during the c-section. Valeria's heart stops*
Dr 2- IT'S a GIRL! Baby girl Baylor born June 27, 2038 at 1000.
2 lbs 6 inches. Blonde hair.
Corey- I have another daughter.
Nurse- We have to get your daughter to the NICU STAT!
*in the NICU. The baby is stable, for now....*
Corey- Will she live?
Nurse- There is a 50/50 chance of survival.
Corey- Oh....
Nurse- Do you have a name for this precious one?
Corey- I think so.
Gabriella- What are you going to name her?
Corey- Heaven Gabriella-Hope Baylor.
Nurse- What a sweet name.
*the nurse walks out*
Gabriella- Gabriella after me?!
Corey- Of course. I know how much you mean to Val.
Gabriella- Thanks Corey.
Corey- Anytime.
*dr 1 comes back in*
Corey- Will my wife live?
Dr 1- There is a 40% chance she will. She'll have to stay in the hospital for roughly 5 months or so.
Corey- What about Heaven?
Dr 1- Heaven should stay until her actual due date.
Corey- October 27, 2038?
Dr 1- Yes.
Corey- Ok. How long will I be here?
Dr 1- Roughly 2-3 months.
Corey- Okay. Troy, Gabriella?
Gabriella/Troy- Yes?
Corey- Can you watch the kids please until I get out of this place?
Troy- Of course!

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