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*April 3, 2028. Still in Los Vegas, Nevada with newlyweds Corey and Valeria*
Valeria- COREY!
Corey- Yes?
Valeria- Do you want kids?
Corey- As long as it's with you.
Valeria- How would you feel if I told you that in 8 months you'll be a dad?
Corey- You're pregnant?!?
Valeria- One month exactly.
Corey- I can't wait!
*the next day with Dr Martinez*
Dr- Hi Valeria and Corey.
Valeria/Corey- Hi
Dr- So I hear you guys just got married.
Corey- Yep. A whole month as of today.
Dr- Congrats. Now, for the baby.
*he moves the stick*
Dr- there's your baby's heartbeat...wait.
Corey- What?
Dr- I hear more heartbeats.
Valeria- What are you saying?
Dr- Congrats Baylor's! You're having quadruplets!
Corey/Valeria- Wow.
Dr- It looks like we can see the genders. Would you like to know?
Corey- Yes please.
Dr- Baby A, C and D are girls and Baby B is a boy.
Valeria- Thanks Dr.
Dr- Of course.
*in the car*
Corey- Boys names?
Valeria- Chase, Michael, Ryder, James, Leo, Casper, Thomas and Brandon. Pick 4.
Corey- I like Chase, Michael, Ryder and Brandon. Pick 2.
Valeria- I like Chase, Michael but still Ryder.
Corey- We could do Chase Michael-Ryder?
Valeria- Wonderful! Girls?
Corey- Chloe, Coraline, Celeste, Maria, Penelope, Elizabeth, Olivia, Anne, Eleanor and Rose. Pick 6.
Valeria- I like Chloe, Penelope, Coraline, Olivia, Anne, Celeste, Eleanor, Maria and still Anne.
Corey- We could do Chloe Penelope, Coraline Olivia-Anne and Celeste Maria-Eleanor?
Valeria- Love it!
Corey- Let's go tell our parents.
*at the Bolton household. The Baylor's are currently visiting*
Gabriella- It's Corey and Valeria!
Addison/Rachel/Demetria/Isabella/Tegan- Val!
Valeria- Hey girls!
Corey- We have an announcement to make!
Valeria- I'm pregnant!
Corey- With quads!
Troy- Woah.
Gabriella- Did you figure out the genders?
Valeria- Yup. The doc was able to figure that out. 3 girls and a boy.
Troy- Names?
Corey- Chloe Penelope, Chase Michael-Ryder, Coraline Olivia-Anne and Celeste Maria-Eleanor Baylor.
Gabriella/Sharpay- Sweet names!
Valeria- Yup. Corey picked out the girls' names. I did the boy.
Zeke/Troy- Sweet!

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