12:Puzzle - SoraXReader

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The second you stepped foot into the library behind Sora, you knew a big job was ahead of you.

Donald and Goofy stomped in behind you, a bit flustered from your fight with Riku. Rounding the corner of a bookcase, Sora ended up with a dead end, “Well, that was a short trip.”

“Really?” You popped your head around the corner, balancing a red novel within your hands.

“Yeah, it’s a dead end. Maybe we could scale the shelves. . .”

“But, Sora, I’ve got something that might-“

“Goofy, can you give me some leverage?”


“Hyuck, sure thing.”

As Sora began scaling the shelves, you waddled over to the bookcase and hauled the novel into the gap between the red Kharma volumes.  Your _(e/c)_ orbs widened in amazement as the bookcase began to jitter, sliding to the right. Sora cried out in shock as he lost grip on the base of a shelf. You could only leap forward to soften his fall, the both of you hitting the ground with a loud thump. In a tangle of limbs, only one of you bothered to groan in pain.

“Sora, this place is a giant puzzle!”

“That’s all you can think about!?”

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