Chapter 1

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I fluttered my eyelashes, shaking myself out of unconsciousness. My vision was terribly blurry but as it began to clear, the first person I saw was Scooter. He apparently saw me waking up and sighed with relief.

"Obama, is that you?" I mumbled with a smirk on my face.

"Really? You could've went with any other black guy on the planet yet you still chose Obama. You need to work on that creativity, man. Don't limit yourself" he replied and we laughed. "But seriously though, you scared me half to death. What the hell happened?" he asked.

I sat up and looked around. I was at the cafeteria. Only then did I see my other classmates gathering around Scooter. They probably carried me there after I fainted. I continued to survey the place before noticing the ice packs set on the table.

"I don't know man. I just felt tired and sick and I just couldn't stay awake anymore" was the best answer I could provide at the moment. I, myself did not know the actual cause for fainting in class. It wasn't particularly hot or anything like that. I was just burning-up for no reason.

Scooter did not like my answer but he shrugged it off, perhaps thinking it was satisfactory for the time being. He bent down to grab an ice pack and gently placed it on my forehead. I smiled at him and stretched my arms, attempting to pull him into a hug.

"Get off me, man!" he yelped.

"But there must be some way I could repay you, oh, courageous and handsome knight" I replied femininely as I puckered my lips.

"You know, even when you're sick, you still manage to annoy me" he said and I chuckled, resting my palms on my chest.

Scooter later told me to stand up but I could only do it for a few seconds before my knees gave up on me. I tumbled to the sticky floor, lying on my back. I clutched at my stomach and grimaced. I felt sick and I needed to vomit. So, I did; all over the fabulous cafeteria floor in-front of my classmates. That earned me an "eew" and several "gross dude"s.

"Jesus, we need to get you to a hospital. I'm calling your dad" Scooter decided.

"Oh hell no! You got a car. You take me" I countered.

"No way, man! You're barfing all over the place," he yelled before looking at our classmates who were watching us. "Dude, I just got leather seats put in that car. It smells new and everything. I can't have you puking in there" he whispered, knowing it would make him look like a douchebag if the others heard. I simply rolled my eyes at him.

"You care more about a car than your best friend who's been there for you since you were eight? That's low, man"

"Hey, if I can ride on your back to school and carry all my stuff in your butt, only then will I love you more" he retorted.

"Deal" I said.

Scooter laughed at this and shook his head. There was no arguing with me because I would always win. It's just one of my special talents. Some people sing opera, some people walk on ropes and some people are stubborn enough to win every argument they've ever been a part of.

"Fine, let's go" he finally forfeited.


We walked towards Scooter's beloved Ford car which was parked closer to the school than mine was. It was silver and had scratches on it from the previous owner. The bumper was slightly dented and the back window wipers were broken in half. It was pretty beat-up but Scooter still loved it more than me and his girlfriend combined.

"I call shotgun!" I exclaimed. I wanted to wave my arms around in excitement but as soon as I raised them, the muscles and nerves began to hurt so I dropped them immediately.

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