Chapter 15

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Day 6

I woke up to a ticklish sensation on my cheeks and the bridge of my nose. I opened my eyes to see Riley straddling me while caressing my face with her hair. I smiled as she started to jump.

"You're awake! Time for breakfast!" she exclaimed.

I chuckled and sat up, my two hands grabbing her head, pulling her closer for a kiss. Her breath still tasted of wine and her hair still tousled from last night. She pulled away and placed a finger on my lips.

"No more kisses until you get up and shower! I'll call room service and we can eat while we pack our things" she planned. I groaned with disapproval.

"5 more minutes" I pleaded and began kissing her neck. I could feel her melting away in my arms as I peppered her face with tiny kisses. She started to reciprocate before hopping off the bed.

"No! Out!" she ordered playfully with her hands on her hips.

I laughed at her silly antics before crawling out of the sheets to sit by the edge of the bed.

She inched closer to me and pulled my head towards her belly, stroking my hair. I wrapped my arms around her and I've never felt more comfortable with anyone. I'm not sure how to explain it but when you hold someone you love in your arms, it just feels like the entire world has stopped. Everything starts to dissolve into nothingness and the only thing left to exist, is you and the person you're holding. Riley has introduced me to a fear that is overwhelming and terrifying; and that is the fear of having to let go.

She bent forward and gave me a peck on the forehead.

"Off you go" she said before getting on the bed so she could push me off of it.

"Alright alright already! Hey, make sure to get me some pancakes, extra syrup" I replied in between yawns while making my way to the bathroom.

"You betcha, baby"


I sat on the bathroom floor, the water cascading down my body, filling me up with a sense of warmth. I had my head in my hands as I pondered my life. The trip was about to be over. I was about to go home. I can't hide from this disease anymore. I'm running and running and running so fast, I can't catch my breath. I guess it's time to succumb to it. I guess it's time to let it win.


I towelled my hair as I walked out of the shower, heading towards the bedroom. Riley wasn't on the bed like I expected her to be. She was by the desk instead and she had an envelope in her hands, my jacket on her shoulders.

"Ri? What are you doing?" I asked hesitantly as I made my way closer to her.

She turned around, her eyes welling up with tears and her face in a scowl. She held up the envelope and I knew all too well what it was. This was definitely not what I planned.

"What is this?" she asked, her voice breaking.

"How did you get that?" I demanded, attempting to snatch it away from her but her reflexes were quicker than mine.

"I reached into your jacket and I felt this paper thingy and I--- that's beside the point! What the hell is this?" she yelled.

"I—I," I didn't know what was going on. It's as if I had lost my ability to speak. My hands began to tremble as she took out my medicine from the pocket of my jacket.

"You, you what? You seem like you don't recognise this letter; this letter that is addressed to me, and is written in your handwriting. Well, let me read it. Maybe it will jog your memory"

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