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I think we're making progress. Slow, but....at least we are.

Me: Hi!
Kennedy: You won't give up, will you?
Me: Nope. Unlike most people, I have hope.
Kennedy: Hope. Never heard of it.
Me: *pulls out dictionary* Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, a feeling of trust, or wanting something to happen or be the case.
Kennedy: *laughs* Jake Gregory, are you serious?
Me: *looks down, serious* I try to be.
Kennedy: Don't we all. Can...can you go?
Me: Why? I've barely been in here for *looks at watch* two minutes and fifteen seconds.
Kennedy: You certainly know how to make a girl laugh.
Me: Oh, tomorrow will be better. Don't you wait.
Kennedy: I don't like waiting.
Me: I don't either. But I'm being patient for you. 
Kennedy: Oh...


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