Chapter 25

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The next morning at breakfast, Elayna, Savanna and Tommy talk.
"Have you guys seen Hunter?" Savanna asks.
"I had a weird dream about him last night."Tommy says. "It was about him getting kidnapped... that's weird, I had that dream and now he's missing.."
"Who kidnapped him in your dream?" Elayna asks.
"Some guy named Rufus." Tommy says.
Elayna gasps. "No.."
"Is something wrong?" Savanna asks.
"No! Nothing at all!" Elayna leaves.
"She's hiding something.." Tommy points out.
Jamal, Danya, Elayna and Sami meet in Annika and Danya's room.
"By Rufus?!" Jamal exclaims.
"We have to save him!" Danya says.
"Tyler would want to save him!" Elayna says."We have to finish the task first."
"Fine." Jamal says. "We finish the task and get the Mask tonight."
Hunter wakes up in the warehouse.
"You never change your ways, Rufus.." he says to himself.
He sees a safe.
He goes up to it and grabs a glass, he puts it up against the safe and cracks the code.
The safe bursts open, revealing the Gem of Aphrodite, the one he was missing.
"Yes!" Hunter gasps as he grabs it and pockets it.
That night, Sami commands the others on the Chess board.
"Jamal, move one space forward."
Jamal moves.
"Danya and Elayna, you both have to move on the same square. The danger square next to you."
"But what if they both fall?!" Jamal asks.
"They won't." Sami says. "Trust me."
Danya and Elayna move, but a statue turns.
Signaling their ends.
The space gives out and Danya and Elayna both go falling through the floor.

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