Chapter 2

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Andy's p.o.v

*next day*

I walked to the front door.Was I really about to do this again.Leave Shaun and Bradie,and most likely cost them our cerer.Yes I really was.I pulled my hoody up over my head and walked out in the rain.I didn't say good bye this time because I knew nobody would let me go but I had to.I walked to the bus stop.The rain was pouring down,and the shelter of the bus stop was tiny and so I was completely drenched...

*andy bck at the north shore*

I made my way to the beach house again.Their was no rain in sight up here.I dragged my bags into the house,they were pretty heavy.I swear I didn't bring tht many clothes.I left everything at the front door and headed for the beach.Needed to clear my head again,not that it was going to do anything.

Taylah's p.o.v

I walked along the beach,my shift at the cafe was just over,and I still had sometime before Sarah and Eddie were gonna come pick me up,To go to the guys first headline show.The guys meaning Jed,james,jacko and Eddie.The sand on the beach was filled with shells,I wasn't looking where I was going because I was to busy studying them,when I ran into a guy.It took me about ten seconds to realise it was Andy clemmensen.How lucky am I .To run into Andy clemmensen to days in a row.I just smiled like a complete idiot at him.He smiled back,but it looked like he had been crying.Wow!! Andy crying hey!! Never expected that would happen.I finally got the guts to say "are you alright??"

He smiled at me then said"not really.Long story..."

"who said I didn't have time" I laughed then smiled.

He smiled back at me,then said " I'll tell you over a coffee??"

"sure!!" I said smiling...

Taylah's p.o.v

Andy had just told me about everything that had happened.I was actually so shocked! And I felt really bad for him.He was crying the whole time he was telling me and it made me feel worse... I looked at my phone, fuck!!! Im late for the show! I had 6 messages and 3 missed phone calls!! Omg!

" I have to go Andy!! I'm late for the show!" I said quickly before running out of the cafe and down the street.It took me a while to figure out how to get there,but I finally made it.I walked inside realising I didn't have the crew pass.Oh great Eddie still has mine!! I walked over to the security gard.He looked at me then gave me a dirty look.. Okay time to go call Taylor!I walked behind the back of the venue,the started calling Taylor's number...

Eddie's p.o.v

I walked onstage after James,jacko, and Jed.The crowd was yelling out because they can! Because they can! It brought a smile to my face.James started playing check this once, then jacko and jed joined in.The crowd was going off now,but then I started to sing and it went so crazy!...We had finished our set,and we all walked off stage.Taylah finallyoi made it, I dont even know where she was.But man for our first headliner that was crazy!we have pretty amazing fans! Taylor,Sarah,Taylah,Charlie and Paige all were telling us how amazing we sounded.That was a bonus!I went and hugged taylor then missed her on the lips before realising my mum was still here.I went over and hugged my mum then realized we had to get to the meet and greet table.

Bradies p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of Shaun swearing about Andy.Oh fuck his left again hasnt he.I sighed the got out of bed and walked down the stairs slowly.I came to a holt when Shaun was on the phone to someone.It sounded pretty important as well.I stood there listening for a bit then realized Shaun had been on the phone to Sunday morning records, all I heard after that was I'm gonna fucking kill him.I guess we lost our record deAl.I felt like I was going to cry.Then I realised I had to see brooke in ten minutes.Yes mine and Shaun's girlfriend have the same name...

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