the new life (Supposedly)

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A week off school for Elizabeth, led to a year (In that school anyway). Her parents thought it best that she moves away from the past. What they didn't get though, was that her past and memories were her life. It was all she had. She wants to remember Amy, and to do that she wants follow the things that she'd done, like her drawings and the graffiti on the park walls. Elizabeth then thought her parents were the ones that wanted to get away. She never argued wanting to stay verbally, she didn't say anything at all after the funeral.

The new street was bad. It was extermely run down and violent. "Some how i dont think this is goin' to make feel better." She thought. She wasn't going to tell anyone that though.

 Her school, if thats what it can be called, was like a prison without the twenty foot tall fence reinforced with barbed wire. The barbed wire had turned up there one night.

Elizabeth walked in from school on her first day. "How was school, honey?" Her mum asked softly.

Elizabeth just mumbled something as she climbed the thirteen stairs to her new bedroom. she hadn't even unpacked her clothes.

The second day had the most events though. Suddenly every one decided Elizabeth was a 'freak' and should not on any cirrcumstances, be approached. All Elizabeth needed was a few more days. She didn't live far from the busy rail road. She could see it from her bedroom window. When the time came, her mum would know what had happend in advance. She wouldn't be found or watched and it would happen quickly.

Two weeks had passed. Life hated Elizabeth, as it did Amy.

The nights came early, the trains were loud. The bridge was under her feet. Two minutes until the two hundred mile per hour bullet. she pressed 'send' on her phone. Every one on her e-mail now had a message.

"I'm not coming home tonight. This is the last thing I'll say to anyone and i want it like this. The bully's, the hell of my past are all to much and it must end. I am saving myself from more pain i don't feel i deserve. Someone else can take it afterr me. Someone that can cope with their actions to deserve it. Good bye my few friends, enjoy your life."

She composed herself and let her legs propel her body into the air and down onto the tracks below. As Elizabeths legs made contact, a painful 'crack' came from the bones as they tore apart. She had accidentently immobilsed her self. Anotherr bit of bad luck beforre her life stopped abbruptly. The train hit her all of a sudden. Elizabeth's legs were severed. the blood trrickled onto the floor. 'Damn wrong track'. She thought. Her head on the wrong track. At least she'll die. Thats all she wants.



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