Chapter 1, The aftermath of that particular event

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The day was cold and rain threatend to fall over the frozen ground. Ice cold air hit the back of Amy's throat like a tonne of bricks. It stung her mouth and knocked the breath from her lungs. She won't need it much longer. Which is the quickest and least painful way to do it? She thought. A car? Bus? Lorry? Not at this speed. It would probably only break a few bones. 

She got to her street. It was quiet and empty. Amy had never seen the street so quiet, there was usually alot of kids around. None of them any older than ten, but all of them mess around playing football on the road, sliding down the cars, burning things that dont belong to them and all that sort of stuff. It was a horrible place. There were much better places around than this.

Amy and Elizabeths parents were the only people that work, doing legal jobs, so her parents weren't at home. it was easy to do it then. She knew what she wanted to do, and how to do it. There was rope holding the gate closed. She wouldn't get in trouble for borrowing it.

Amy wrapped the rope into a noose at one end. it wasn't the best but it'll do, the other end was tied to a hook on her badroom ceiling. She used her desk chair to reach it. Once she was done, she kicked away the chair. it hurt and didn't work the way it was planned. The hook broke. it wasn't far to the floor but the rope got tangled around her neck. She felt her head pound. This was a bad idea. How she wanted to undo her mistakes and go back in time. She gasped for air but her throat had collapsed, the lungs were empty. Her consciousness slipped away very painfully.

The days passed. Amy didn't turn up to school after that day and Elizabeth was sure that only she knew what had happened. All Amy's parents had told her was "Amy has..." Then they cried. Elizabeth too. Her only true friend was robbed from this world. Elizabeth now knew there was no god. If this therre was, why did he let a good girl die in suffering and pain? Why let her suffer at all?

 The sunday morning that saw the funerral of Amy Gizzi, was warm and clear despite the time of year. It seemed the world had wanted to pay its respect to its fallen daughter. The church courtyard was peaceful and green. The drive decorated in colourful stones that crrunched as they were stood on. The oak doors lay open into the corridor that will lead to the funeral hall.

It was silent. There wasn't many people here. Just the family that could make it, and Elizabeth and her parents. The hall echoed. The vicar stood at the podeum ready to speak.

His voice varied in pitch. It was slow and Elizabeth couldn't work out what was more boring; his voice, or what it was saying, but she listened for the memory of Amy. If they were here together they'd laugh at the vicar, trying to find ways to insult him while they paid attention. Those days are over now. No one would be there for Elizabeth all the time, anymore. No one can replace Amy's postion in Elizabeths heart.

After the funeral, they traveled to the wake. It was a nearby hotel that Amy and Elizabeths family would occasionally eat at. Along the way to the hotel, they lost most of the people that attended the funeral, on the way to the wake. In fact the only people that stayed were Elizabeth and her parents.

They sat and mourned at the same table. The food directly in front of their table. The two fathers talked and agreed, occasionally asking their wives to agree as well. The wives were doing the exact same thing though, like always did. Elizabeth was usually with Amy talking about their own thing, but that wasn't happening any more. Instead, she sat and ate, and felt guilty for it.

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