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The next month with me trying to figure out the basics of my job at my father's company. It would be no exaggeration to say that it was one of the worst months of my life. Living with them in the same house—since I was not allowed to move out—was already a struggle and that struggle had increased exponentially this past month. Dad hardly paid any attention to me in the office. Sometimes, I wondered whether it was because he was ashamed of me and did not want more employees to know I was associated with him in any way, but that ignorance was like a blessing to me.

It was always better to stay out of his way rather than be in his way.

Though, the same could not be said about Lahaina and Juliea. They left no stone unturned to create problems for me and not a day passed by without them asserting their authority on me. Given my job as an assistant to Laci, one of the managers of the firm, my position in the company was negligible. On the other hand, Juliea and Lahaina's were partners in the company and even though with their much higher position, they could exercise dominance over the employees, their behavior with me just because of our personal differences was not justified.

I saw Lahaina, accompanied by Laci, walk towards my desk and I leaned back in my chair awkwardly, trying to hide my face behind the computer screen I was working on. A person cannot curse you if they cannot see you.

"Make sure everything goes well. We can't afford to mess anything up," Lahaina instructed Laci as they walked towards her office.

"Everyone is working very hard, Ms Marshall. I assure you there won't be any problem. You have entrusted me with this meeting and I will make sure everything is nothing but perfect," Laci said with an assuring smile.

They had stopped outside Laci's office to talk and I tried my best to not do anything that would bring Lahaina's attention to me. It was true that everyone at the office was working like their life depended on it but I had no idea why.

It was going to be lunchtime very soon and usually, there was a decline of concentration in work, at this time, in anticipation of the following break and food, but today it was not the case. I was hoping to ask Laci about the surprising change as soon as I came to the office, but Laci had not been in her cabin since morning.

"Of course, you will ensure it, Laci. You wouldn't want to end up like George, now would you?" Lahaina threatened and the smile on Laci's face disappeared.

"Also," Lahaina eyed me. I could feel her eyes on me, but I pretended to not notice. "Make sure your assistant stays out of the way. She has a habit of always ruining good moments by her presence alone."

"I will, Ms Lahaina," the confidence from earlier in her voice was gone.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Laci go inside her cabin while Lahaina turned to me. I kept my head down and my eyes attached to the screen as she walked with slow, calculating steps towards me, like a model on a ramp in a fashion show. Her heels were higher than my confidence level and a part of me—one that had once hoped we could be like real sisters—wanted to applaud her for walking in them with such grace.

The intercom on my desk that connected me to Laci's office buzzed. Instantly, I got up from my chair to head to her cabin when Lahaina stepped in front of me.

"Since Laci would be supervising the meetings now, dad asked me to tell you how much he would like to snap your neck if you don't work your best for the next couple of months."

"What's in the next couple of months?" I asked.

"Just focus on your work. That's all that's needed from you," she said rolling her eyes, then with a sudden smile added, "or maybe don't focus on it much. I'd love to see what dad does to you when you don't."

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