Part 7

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I walked into the dorm hearing familiar voices coming from the game room. " So Petey watching the swim team, very intellectual stuff. Do you like watching them swim or do you just like seeing the girl in their uniforms " Garry asked prodding his back.

" Shut up Garry"

" Does watching them fuel your boyish little fantasies?"

" I said shut up!"

" Oh Marian show me your breast stroke again!"

" Garry just quit it!"

" Or do you like watching the boys? Is that it Petey"

" I see you two are getting a long as usual " I say walking into the game room. Garry stood up from taunting Pete " Oh come on Roy I was just trying to turn him into a man or a woman or somthing " Garry told me shrugging.

"Well while I would leave the bickering couple you two are alone I actually have something to say" I said out loud witch got both their attentions. " Such as?" Garry asked disregarding me earlier comment.

" You know that new girl, well turns out she had the same period as me for chemistry. Turns out her name is Ferris Maguire" I told them sitting down on the couch. Garry for once didn't say anything.

" Ferris Maguire? That's an interesting name " Pete said. "Yeah but was strange is that she didn't act like the kin or bad a** chick who would beat a Jocks face in with a lunch tray she acted like an innocent little goody two shoes" I added.

" I've seen that act plenty of times, my sister would always do the same thing " Garry said " She would be a downright monster around me and then with my parents she was just some perfect little angel who could do no wrong" He told us.

Suddenly two of the Jocks waltzed in " I hear y'all are talking about that new chick huh" Said the same Jock who got his face bashed in with a tray this morning whose name I think was John. " Yeah what's it to you?" I asked knowing these guys were most likely going to try to get her back for hurting their oh so precious pride.

" The Cheerleaders are going to ruin her life" The second jock, a broad chested blonde with a face that reminded me of a Rottweiler said with a smirk. I rose a brow " What do you mean?" I asked, I mean I knew what a guy would do to another guy if he ticked him off but with girls..... That was an entire different ball field. A way more evil and terrifying one.

" Well we can't get her back with out going to prison for hurting a girl " The first one, John I think said. "Well this should certainly be a perfect welcome to Bull Worth for this Ferris girl" Garry said not even sounding like he cared weather or not Ferris even managed to get out of the cat fight that was coming her way.

The Jocks soon left to go bully some random Nerd who had walked by in the hallway. " So shouldn't we warn her?" Pete asked. " Well unless you have tracker on her how do you suppose we find her?" Garry said with that familiar all knowing attitude of his.

" She told me she was heading to the football field " I told them. " Well you two can go out and save the day but I'm good with staying right here" Garry claimed. God what a little @$&? ! " You really are nothing but a sociopath" I said standing up with Pete.

Garry smirked " You know me to well" He claimed. I rolled my eyes and walked with Pete towards the football field. It seemed like we had gotten there just in time because 6 cheerleaders were heading down to the football field. We followed behind making sure to keep our distance.

I could see Ferris on the field now she was sitting underneath a very large tree seeming to be enjoying the silence. Something I loved to do but people just always felt the need to interrupt it.

The group of Cheerleaders walked towards her like a pack of Lions closing in for a kill. I had seen girls fight before verbally and physically and it was difficult to predict how this would go. Ferris seemed to be the kind of girl that liked to take care of herself so I wasn't going to intervene unless I had to I mean 6 on 1 in a fight is just unrealistic. Even though I wouldn't hit a girl I could always just break it up.

Pete looked a little scared as if he doubted his decision to come here " You scared Petey?" I said using the nickname Garry had given him. " Of 6 socially power full pretty girls? Yes I am" Pete said with a slightly higher pitched voice than normal.

We got a little closer to see what was being said and I could also see some Jocks and some Greasers trying to see what was happening. I mean it wasn't everyday that the Cheerleader specifically went after someone. Ferris looked up as she saw the horde of girls coming towards her and stood up. She was easily smaller than half of the cheerleaders.

" Uh how may I help you?" Ferris said crossing her arms over her chest and standing a little bit taller. " What? Did you really think that you could just publicly humiliated one of the Jocks and get away with it" The main leader, a girl named Mandy with long real bag lady nails and hair extensions asked.

" He had it coming" Ferris claimed and shrugged nonchalantly. " Well guess what, you have something coming too you fat pig" Mandy sneers and went to slap Ferris as the others closed in. Ferris deflected her hand and punched her with a quick jab to the mouth. Mandy cradled her mouth just as another girl a blonde girl with several rings on went to hit Ferris but hesitated seeing her comrade fall back. Ferris didn't hesitate however to hit the girl in the temple with her right hand then kick her down.

The other three girls kind of just stood there surprised before one spoke out " Oh my gosh! You just broke Mandy's jaw!! What is wrong with you!" An auburn haired girl screeched loudly as if Ferris just killed some one. A prefect soon heard the commotion " Hey break it up! Mrs. Maguire! This is the second time today! We expect better of you here!" The large prefect said.

Ferris rose her hands up in defense " My apologies sir I honorably regret my doings " She said with a slight sneer obviously making fun of the prefect by speaking a professional language he didn't understand.

Soon enough the prefect walked off.

Hey guys no one has read this book and it's been a month idk if I'm continuing

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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