Part 6

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I walked into my Chemistry class that was mostly full and sat down at my normal table by myself. I wasn't necessarily the smartest person in the world but I wasn't the stupidest. I knew a thing or two about chemistry at least and proffered to work alone.

The classroom soon filled up and the old teacher Mr. Wilks walked in. He was an old man with a whisky grey beard and circular glasses but he was easily my favorite teacher. He didn't talk that much and once we were done with whatever we had to do he would let us leave.

I sat there messing around with an empty plastic test tube when suddenly the room got silent and believe me it is difficult to get those cheerleaders to shut up. The new girl from earlier, the one who had smacked the jock upside the head walked in.

Mr.Wilks looked up and a soft smiled etched onto his old features. " Ok class we have a new student, this is Ferris Maguire " Mr.Wilks explained gesturing to the girl who I knew was named Ferris. She gave a small wave to the class. " Alright go ahead and sit with.... Uh Royce no one sits next to you yes?" Mr.Wilks asked and I nodded " No one sits here " I assured. " Alright go ahead Mrs.Maguire " Mr.Wilks said as he sat back down in his old leather rolling chair.

Ferris walked down the aisle ignoring the prevalent stares just as Royce had done his first day. Well actually he glared back at some of the people who had looked at him like he was some sort of wild animal. She sat down next to him on the empty stool to his right. " Hi" She said softly looking at him with eyes of warm Carmel.

" Hey" I said casually and then turned to pay attention to that Mr.Wilks was saying. I wasn't sure what to make of this girl she almost beat down a jock and was now sitting right next to me like she was some sort of perfect little angel. Maybe that was her catch, acts like a perfect little angel but truly is nothing but evil on the inside.

I pushed it out of my thoughts and listened to what Wilks was saying. We were supposed to discover what happened when you combine aluminum and iodine. We had done strange combinations like this before and they typically resulted in actual interesting experiments instead of just doing paper work all day. Easily the coolest thing at this school by far.

As Mr.Wilks handed out all of our need supplies including our observation paper, googles, plastic white gloves, iodine, and aluminum. I quickly jotted down my named and began putting on the gloves. " So uh what's your name?" A clear strong female voice asked. I had almost not even heard it since I really just wanted to get this experiment over and done with.

I turned to her after a slight moment of hesitation " Oh I'm Royce, Royce York" I answered evenly back knowing it wasn't the best idea to tick a girl like her off while we were about to start a chemistry lab. She might just end up permanently disfiguring me with the chemicals we were to be working with witch would suck like a lot.

" You don't seem like the shy type can I ask what's bothering you?" She asked without the slightest hint of suspicion in her voice as she but her googles around her head. " Well you did just slap a jock with a lunch tray not just 15 minutes ago" I said and she smirked.

" He had it coming I never let people get away with anything and besides I would think at this place you people would be used to fights " She claimed in a nearly dark manner.

I shrugged " We are but normally girls don't really physically fight that's more of a guy thing" I claimed. " Well that jock was a guy so I did the same thing he would have done to me " She said while picking up the iodine.

I didn't say anything further and picked up the aluminum and placing it in the cup while she drizzled iodine atop of it. The effect was almost immediate, a purple hazy smoke started to issue from the cup as the chemical reaction continued.

Soon enough I had finished the lab making small talk with Ferris as we went. I found out she was from Texas, had been to 5 other academies before this one, and that she had been arrested. Why has she been arrested? I don't know. She was actually oddly normal but I figured there was a pretty little psycho under that calm, slightly rude, situated personality of hers.

I left the class room to go back to the boys dorm and bid Ferris goodbye who had told me she was heading out to the football fields to go relax before leaving. I kind of liked finally getting to talk to a normal girl and not dealing with an anti social nerd or a bubble headed blonde bimbo cheerleader.

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