Episode 3 ▶ Hostile Acts

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A/N: Small Sexual Abuse Scene

I yawned, tying my brown hair into a ponytail. Another night of the same nightmare, it was getting harder to stay awake in class, and even harder to convince Callie that I was okay. She was getting worried and I was running out of excuses.

Already dressed, I began to pack up my book bag as Callie put a shirt ontop of her undershirt.

Mariana, who was looking in the mirror with a dress in front of her, turned around and looked at us. "If you wanna borrow something..." She offered.

Callie and I looked at one another. "No thanks." I stated, appreciative of her offer. Callie and I were the complete opposite of her girly style.

"Uh, no. It's ok." Callie shook her head. Mariana shrugged. "Ok. I just thought you might be sick of wearing the same three things." Callie and I shook our heads, and Mariana tossed the dress on her bed before going over to her jewelry box.

She took out a pair of earrings before looking into the mirror, and putting them up to her ear. Deciding not to wear them, she returned them to the box and thought we didn't notice her put the jewelry box in her drawer.

Callie chuckled as I shook my head. "We're not gonna steal your earrings. I mean, what are we gonna do? Sell them at school?"

Offended, Mariana crossed her arms over her chest. "Don't talk about things you don't understand."

Callie looked at me, her eyebrows raised. I shrugged. "Ok. Well, what don't we understand, Mariana?" I ask. "I mean you stole your brother's pills, you sold them at school, and then you let your brother take the fall for you."

"I never asked him to do that."

"But you let him." Callie and I said in unison. With no comeback, Callie and I grab our book bags and make our way downstairs into the kitchen where Lena is getting breakfast ready while Stef is making bagged lunches for us.

Soon everyone is downstairs, except Brandon and the kitchen is completely hectic. Jesus who has his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, leans over Stef's shoulders looking at the sandwiches.

A drip of spit luckily misses our lunch but causes Stef to frown. "Buddy, can you do that in the bathroom like everybody else, please? Come on."

"What's that?" He asked, backing away.

"We are brown baggin' it for a little while. It's better for you. Go spit." Jesus obeyed, leaving the kitchen.

I helped Callie set plates on the table as Mariana walked over to Stef, examining the sandwiches. "I don't eat cheese."

Lena scoffed along with Stef. "Since when? You had pizza like two nights ago."

"It's really bad for you." Said Mariana matter-of-factly. "Can I have tuna?"

"If you want to make it." Lena shrugged. As Callie and I sat down and Jesus came back into the kitchen, Mariana took the green light and began getting the ingredients to her sandwich.

"All right, everyone." Said Stef as we were all finally seated. We gave her our attention but she stopped. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where's Brandon?"

All of a sudden from upstairs we hear. "Cold!"

"Oops." Mariana bit her lip. "I guess there's no more hot water."

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