Bad Ice Cream (Larry Stylinson)

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So this idea came out of a joking conversation that me and Nicole were having about larry having an argument over ice cream so i actually turned it into a story xD I think I did it well though so give it a shot. BUT HOLY CRAP IT TURNED OUT TO BE SO LONG! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT IT WAS LIKE 31 PAGES ON WORD (13000 WORDS) SO GET COMFY AND GET SOME TISSUES IF YOUR AN EASY CRIER THERE IS A LOT OF ANGST BUT OF COURSE FLUFFY ENDING CUZ THAT'S WHO I AM! YAY FOR ICE CREAM WOOO!

“Haz?!” Louis called down the hall of the flat. He could feel his patience wearing thin, having had a long day and just being stressed recently. Not to mention the fact that he hadn’t had some decent quality time with his boyfriend in what felt like forever. And for them, that was important to keep them from losing their minds.

When no answer was given Louis let out a loud huff, shifting his weight so he was leaning on one leg, hip popped out: his typical bitch stance.

“Harold?!” Louis shouted louder.

“What?! What is it Louis?” Harry finally responded a few seconds, his voice sounding a lot closer then Louis had expected. Sure enough, in walked Harry, pulling a flannel shirt on over a t shirt. Louis scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion because Harry had been lying around in joggers when Louis had gotten home an hour ago from his ‘date’ with Eleanor. Why was he a dressed to go out now?

“I was… wondering what you wanted for dinner…” Louis started slowly. “Why are you dressed to go out?”

“Nick invited me to grab a few drinks with him and a few friends. So don’t worry about me for dinner.” Harry said in a rush.

Louis could feel the irritation boiling inside of him, but couldn’t ignore the initial disappointment. Harry had been so distant from him lately due to tough situations and exhaustion, but Louis thought tonight would be a night for them to both unwind together. To get rid of the forced division between them.

“Y-You’re going out?” Louis fumbled.

Harry hesitated in his movements to look at the older man before nodding his head. “Yeah, why?” he said, and Louis nearly flinched from the cold tone of Harry’s voice.

“Uh…” he said considering if he should just speak up and tell Harry that he wanted to spend the night with him. But it was clear that it was not as important to Harry as it was to Louis, and who was he to tell Harry not to go out with anyone.

So he settled for shaking his head. “Nothing. Forget it.” He said, voice stern and short. “I’ll just order take out or something for myself.” H         e grumbled, letting his anger show through.

“Why do you have an attitude?” Harry asked, narrowing his eyes.

“I don’t.” Louis snapped. “Just… go have fun.” He told him, waving him off. Harry let out a breath and went to collect his wallet and keys as Louis opened the drawer they kept their take out menus in. Harry was about to walk out of the kitchen when Louis’s angry mood fell a bit.

“Uh… when do you think you’ll be back?” Louis asked, voice sounding hesitant and small, catching Harry off guard.

The taller lad stood still for a moment as he thought.

“I don’t know… late. Don’t wait up.” He told the blue eyed boy. Louis just bit his lip and gave a tiny nod.

“Alright then.” He mumbled. He waited for a second to see if Harry would come over and give him a kiss goodbye like usual, but a few seconds later he heard footsteps retreating out of the room and the opening and closing of the front door.

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