A Blur of Black (1)

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Chapter 1:

Annabelle darted away from her best friend Julia, giggling quietly as she ran. Hide-and-seek was their favorite game to play on a warm summer afternoon like today. As she ran, she caught a glimpse of one of the kids she and Julia were babysitting, a 5 year old girl named Chrissa. Knowing her hiding place would be much better, she kept running.

10 seconds later, she was at her favorite hiding spot, an old oak tree with such thick leaves, it was impossible to be seen in it. She eagerly began to climb the rough trunk. She spiraled higher and higher until she reached a spot nearly completly obscured by branches and leaves. Annabelle then proceeded to lay down on a thick branch and folded her hands behind her head. The birds twittered sweetly and a warm breeze blew softly over Annabelle's face. The real reason she hid here was to think. Her life was so hectic, with babysitting, soccer, and school, she had almost zero time to relax and mull things over. She was drifting off when she felt a little tickle in her nose. Before she could stop it, she sneezed violently. The birds flew away in a frightened flurry.

"Dang it!" a voice called from then other side of the tree. Annabelle tensed. The sound of branches breaking filled Annabelle with fear. She sat up quickly, nearly whamming her head on another branch. She had a sudden feeling of falling and the next thing she knew, she was splayed out on the ground, dazed, but unhurt. She saw a blur of black before she didn't see anything.


Hello everyone! This is my first book and I really hope you like it!

Vote/Comment :-) This chapter is kind of a Prolouge, I know it's really short.  The next chapter's also kind of short, but after that they'll be nice and long ;)

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