26: Blackwolf Mountain

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They began their trek up the mountain, which was punishing from the moment the land began to slope up. They were battered by piercing wind and heavy snowfall – the weather was warning them not to go on. Fell told them he had a plan for meeting Hati, but didn't elaborate.

Ciara had the strange sensation that the mountain was swallowing the world up.

And then they encountered their first problem. The flanks of the mountain were so rocky, there was no way they would be able to sled higher.

"We'll have to continue on foot. We'll go back for the dogs when this is over. They'll be all right for now." Fell was certain, but Ciara was still worried.

She hugged Rufus. "Look after the others."

They patted the dogs goodbye, hoisted their packs onto their shoulders, and began the toiling climb.

Rocks and snow crumbled under their touch. The slope was steep, but Fell trudged onward, even when they were reduced to clambering on their hands and knees. The air started to grow thin and they panted for breath, taking breaks more frequently as the day wore on. Ciara was sweating despite the freezing air turning her face rough, her lips chapped.

She had no idea what Fell was looking for. A door? Had Hati even made an entrance?

It seemed that he had.

There was a deep hollow in the mountain's side. They halted in front of a ring of standing stones, taking in the carvings etched on it, which were reminiscent of the ones from the circle, only these were cut into the stone. Ciara stared, amazed, at the raised patterns and animals, untarnished by weather. In the hollow was a great stone door, with a swirling, long-furred wolf carved at its centre. The wolf had the moon under its front paws, and its eye was inlaid with a red jewel.

"Did I forget to tell you?" Fell said, noting her amazed expression. "Hati likes to be impressive." Before she could reply he strode past the standing stones, and she tensed as he beckoned for her to follow.

"Touch the door," he said softly.

Ciara passed the monoliths and a shiver went through her. She stretched out a hand. Fell nodded encouragingly, and she drew strength from his eyes as her fingertips brushed the stone. Blue light began to shine around the edges of the door and Fell backed away, pulling her with him. They all held their breath.

The door opened a crack with a noise like splitting ice. Fell strode to it and pushed. The slab of stone grated horribly, but the gap widened.

"Fell, are you sure about this?" Tonraq asked. In the distance, thunder rumbled. Fell glanced back at them: stood in an arc outside the barrier of stones. Dark clouds were gathering, a sure sign of a snowstorm on the way.

"Ciara." Fell beckoned. A tremor rolled through the air and down her spine. "You will have to go in first. Hati will listen to you – and you'll spark his interest. Tell him the truth. I'll be right behind you. I will enter the mountain second. If anything goes wrong, do whatever you can to alert us. We'll get you out if we have to."

Ciara nodded. Her tongue seemed to have swollen up, making her incapable of speech. A wolf of fire was in there. Did death await her? Would Hati be worse than Ask?

"Don't worry." Fell stood in front of her. "We're a team, remember? We've survived bounty hunters and Outriders, lake water and Ask. We can survive this. Together."

Ciara took a deep breath. The others were watching worriedly. "Okay. I'm ready."

"Don't be afraid."

"I'm not. I know I can rely on you." If she couldn't rely on them now, she couldn't rely on anyone.

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