Story 1: Dream Demon

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This story is kinda a short version of one of DreamCatcher's adventures!

One day, in a regular town, a teenage girl was having a nightmare, she dreamt of a black room, empty, as pictures of her worst fear shows up on all the walls then she hears a voice, "Megan... this is all your fault..." The voice tells her, "No!! I didn't do anything!!" The girl yells to the voice. "Remember who you hurt today? You hurt her, you hurt an innocent girl, Megan!" The "voice" says, walking out of the shadows. "W-who are you?!" Megan asks the creature. Megan can now fully see the "creature", a tall, bluish-purple haired, winged girl. "The names Dreamcatcher, I'm a dream demon!" Dreamcatcher answers the frightened teen. "I'm sorry, okay, I'm sorry!" Megan yells to the dream demon! " You're too late!" That is all Megan hears as she blacks out..."Well, that was easier than the last one!" Dreamcatcher says aloud to herself, "I was kinda hoping for a fight... but, this is fine!" She again says to herself, picking up Megan's limp and unconscious body, as she teleports to a gigantic tree house in the middle of a forest. As Dreamcatcher lays Megan on a chair, she takes out a bluish-purple dreamcatcher, and holds it up to Megan's body. The body then disappears.
~~~~Somewhere unknown~~~~
"Somewhere there is a demon, a dangerous demon, is on the loose... and I want her powers..." A mysterious figure says to another figure in the dark. "I know, father... I know, and we will get her!" The second figure tells the other... In the middle of the room, a red orb starts to glow... " We found her!" The first figure says, walking towards the orb. " I will find her, and take her powers, then we will finally rule the whole galaxy!" The second figure says. " Then go, go find her!" The first figure says.
~~~~Back to DreamCatcher~~~~
Back at the tree house, Dreamcatcher is sitting on a couch, reading a magazine, when she sees an orb fall on her lap,"That was way too fast! My powers must be getting stronger!" She says, picking up the orb and throwing it at a dreamcatcher next to her hanging on the wall, after examining the orb first.She then hears a crash, as she falls off of the couch, "Seriously?! What was that for, Madeline?!" She yells, staying on the ground, looking up to the ceiling. " Sorry, Dream!" Says a little girl with a tail, cat ears, cape, and a small scythe on her back, hanging upside down on the couch. "It's fine... just don't do it again! Silly cat!" Dreamcatcher says, still laying on her back. "Do you want me to help you up?" Madeline asks Dreamcatcher, "I really didn't mean t-" Madeline stops when she feels like they are being watched. She crawls down to Dreamcatcher's ear and whispers, " Someone is here, I can sense it!" Dreamcatcher immediately gets up and grabs the little cat girl, running up a staircase to the top floor, where Dreamcatcher's wings come out of her back, as she tries to fly, however, one of her wings are shot, so she cannot fly. She turns around to face whatever shot her wing, only to see a short, little girl. "Mads, run away as fast as you can and don't come back!" Dreamcatcher yells to the little girl on her shoulder, prying her off. Madeline does as she is told, and flees the scene. Once she is gone, Dreamcatcher raises her arms in defeat. " Your one of Zalgo's slaves, aren't you?! What does he want with me?" Dreamcatcher yells at the creature. " NO! I'M NOT A SLAVE!! I am the daughter of Zalgo, Lazari! And you shall fear me!" Zarola says to Dreamcatcher. " I am a dream demon, bringer of nightmares! I do not feel fear, except in your DREAMS!!" Dreamcatcher says, laughing, obviously amused, " And how could I ever fear a cute little child like you?!" Dreamcatcher says, still laughing. What she did not see, was that little Lazari had grown into a tallish, gray skinned, red haired, horned creature. "I'm not a little girl!" Lazari yells."Okay! I get it! You don't have to yell!" Dreamcatcher says, calmly. "How are you not scared?!" Lazari asks Dreamcatcher, very confused. "I just don't have fear, don't take it personal!" Dreamcatcher answers her nicely. "I was hoping to make you faint...but I guess I will have to use words..." Lazari says, turning back into her human form. " So what does Zalgo want?" Dreamcatcher asks little Lazari. " He, um, n-needs your help! Yeah! He needs your help to...protect the other demons!" Lazari lies. " You do realize that, if you had just asked me, I would have said yes, right?" Dreamcatcher tells her. " Oh...okay, sorry! Follow me!" Lazari says, and opens a portal to the underworld. "Awesome!" Dreamcatcher says. Once they went through the portal, Dreamcatcher and Lazari arrived in the underworld! A "girl", comes straight over, and stares at Dreamcatcher for a good 5 seconds, " It's you! You are the one who put me here! I am soulless, because of you!" The girl yells at the very confused, but calm, Dreamcatcher. Dreamcatcher remembers her last adventure, " Megan! Yeah! How are you liking it here? I think it is great for you!" Dreamcatcher asks her. " I hate you!" Megan screams, walking off. " Sorry, she is probably delusional!" Lazari says to Dreamcatcher. "If anything, I should be sorry for you guys! I put her here!" Dreamcatcher jokes, laughing. "What is with all the noise?!" A jester-like guy asks, coming out of the shadows. Behind him is a shorter girl, also looking like a jester. " CANDY CANE!!!" Dreamcatcher yells, running to the girl. " HEY DREAM!!!" The girl, Candy Cane, yells back, hugging Dreamcatcher. " Oh great, you brought the dream demon..." The guy says, not happily. " She is here to... help! So make her feel welcome, Candy Pop!" Lazari tells him. "Fine! But I do not want to be near her!" Candy Pop proclaims. Dreamcatcher rolls her eyes, along with sticking her tongue out at him.
"Enough of the chit-chat! Welcome... Dreamcatcher!" A voice says, and a cage falls onto Dreamcatcher, trapping her." I knew I could not trust other demons!! I hate you a-" Dreamcatcher tries to yell, but faints. " Come on sis!" Candy Pop calls to Candy Cane, and starts to walk off, Candy Cane soon following him. " C-coming brother!" She says, leaving Lazari. " I hate lying..." Lazari mutters. " You did good, Lazari!" Zalgo says walking out of the darkness, " I will have Smile Dog watch her." He says, starting to fade into the shadows."What ab-" Lazari starts, but stops, "I hate it when he does that!" She says. A little smiling dog comes into view, and Lazari backs away, and starts to run. The smiling dog looks to the cage, and sits next to it, staring at Dreamcatcher. She is kinda cute, Smile dog thinks in his head, Oh, but she would not like me, I am a demon dog! I still want to meet her, though! His thoughts are interrupted by Dreamcatcher waking up. "Man, I am so hungry!" She says aloud. "Would you like some food, miss..." Smile dog asks her, wagging his tail. "It's Dreamcatcher, and yes please, what do you have?" Dreamcatcher tells the dog. "Well, it depends, what do you eat?" He asks her. "I eat souls... mostly the scared ones!" She tells him, excited for a meal. Out of nowhere, a black cat jumps in front of Smile dog, hissing. Smile dog backs away. The cat stands on it's hind legs, and turns into a girl, Madeline, to be exact. "Madeline?! What are you doing here?!" Dreamcatcher yells to the feline. "I have come to save you from this-this...ANIMAL!" She answers. "HEY! That is offensive! I am a dog, and I have a name! It is Smile!" Smile Dog says, offended. "Get.away.from.Dreamcatcher!" Madeline hissed. Smile dog backs away, "I have to make sure she does not escape, b-but y-you a-are a c-cat! PLEASE DO NOT HURT ME!!" Smile dog whimpered. "I am not going to hurt you...My name is Madeline!" Madeline tells Smile dog."Okay, well, you should leave before I change my mind about letting her go." Smile dog says, opening Dreamcatcher's cage. "Come with us, Smile!Please!" Dreamcatcher asks Smile dog."Oh fine, let us go!" He says, excited! Dreamcatcher, Madeline, and Smile dog go to the portal back to the overworld, when another creature comes and blocks their way! It is a cat that looks just like Smile Dog, but in a cat version! "Follow me!" It says to them, so that is what they did. The strange cat lead them through the portal, and they end up in a forest. "Okay, my name is Grinny, but I have no interest in any of you, so I really do not want to know your names! Candy Cane should be here soon, so stay here!" Grinny says, and starts to walk away, but Smile dog stops him and says, "Why do you look like me?" with full confidence. "We are more alike than you think." He says, but the conversation ends, when Candy Cane comes into vision."Okay guys! Follow me!" She says, and they all follow her into a cave, where they camp out for a month. Everyone gets to know everyone a lot better, and love has bloomed! Smile dog and Grinny cat found their human forms, and have fallen for Dreamcatcher and Madeline, while Candy Cane, she liked a certain clown... A year has passed since Dreamcatcher was taken to the underworld, and she has fallen in love with a demon from there! Smile dog has become friends with Madeline, but is still in love with Dreamcatcher! Grinny cat only talks to Madeline, and is not hoping to expand his friend list anytime soon! Candy Cane has meet a clown, a monochrome, killer clown, and they are a match made in, umm, the underworld! Candy Pop found out about Dreamcatcher escape, and even found the cave they reside in! He has been a lot nicer to Dreamcatcher, but only because he is trying to be on his sister's good side, even though he dislikes her new "friend". Zalgo has not been anywhere near Dreamcatcher and her friends! Lazari ran away, and Dreamcatcher, Madeline, and Candy Cane are trying to locate her!

That's all for this short story! I hope you enjoyed it, and just so everyone knows, I made this during school for a project!
Thanks for reading! Bai my friends!

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