Eyes on him

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🌷deans p.o.v🌷

I sit up and slam my hand on the alarm clock.
School...why? After everything..school?
I sighed. I got up and sprinted to my closet to find some thing to wear.
I threw on a old ACDC shirt and some jeans.  I slowly walk to sammys room and open the door slightly and look in. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, I think to myself and yell:
"GOOD MORNIN' SAMMY!" Stretching the o in morning. He sat up, rubbed his eyes and gave me a bitchface. I chuckled, walking downstairs and to the kitchen. I grab two pieces of toast and throw them in the toaster, I turned around to see a bed-head, Sammy walk down stairs.
I chuckle to my self and throw a piece of bread at him. He catches it, puts it in his mouth and leaves it there while eating.
I start laughing and he gives me a look of confusion. I just smile back.
I then grabbed my keys and yelled:
"C'mon Sammy! We're leaving!"
Sam and I hop in the car, as I start the engine. Oh, hearing my baby purr. I smile thinking to myself.
"Dean?" He said.
I whiped my head around, "h-huh? Sorry.. Yeah?"
"Uh..are you gonna drive?"
My eyes widen, "o-oh! Right!"
He laughs.
I pull out of the drive way and off to school.
As I pull in, I notice two boys talking to each other, one of the boys throw his head down , I'm guessing in sadness. Then the other walked away so calmly. I wonder what happened. As I look up to the school, I sigh. I get out of the car, Sammy as well.  He ran up to school, surprisingly he enjoyed school. He always made a lot of friends, good grades, he even got a girlfriend once...then we moved of course because of things that arnt necessary for me to think about. I walked up to the school, opening the doors. I felt awkward, yet I feel like I've been here before. It like every other school, jocks push nerds against lockers, cheerleaders flirt with the world..and the loners are..well, alone. Like me. I broke out of my trance and walked up to the office.  The girl's eyes widened when she saw me, then calmed back down when I noticed. She smiled. "Name?" She asked.
"Dean Winchester." She smiled and handed me a paper and said quietly, "if you need anything..call me." She emphasized the "anything" and passed me a sheet with her number. I smirked and as I walked out, I threw it away. 
(Savage  XD)
  I took a look at my schedule,I had:
"Mr.singer- homeroom /English.
Mrs.naomi - math
Mr.balt- social studies
Mrs.novak- religion
Free period.
I look up to find  my way to the room. Well. With my luck..I walk into the class room...to see math posters on the wall... I sighed, "I'm in the wrong room ain't I?" She laughed, "yeah hun, sorry. What room you your tryna' find?"
I looked down : "u-uh, Mr singer." I stated. She smiled and pointed to the room across the hall. I smiled back, "thanks!" I walk across the room, "im in the right room now..right?" I asked. He laughed and said "I'm Mr.singer. are you in the right room?" I chuckled nervously, "y-yeah".
"Dean, Winchester. I'm sorry I'm late I..." I saw  a blue eyed, dark hair boy looking at me out of the corner of my eye.
My eyes widened, "s-sorry sir, I was lost."
" its all good, its the first day." He smiled .
I started walking towards the back when Mr.singer grabbed my shoulder and said.
"Class, this is dean Winchester, he is the newbie" I chukled nervously. I was surprised to hear a teacher say newbie. I smiled. Looking around the room to find a empty seat, I see the same blue eyed  boy looking at me, as soon as I noticed him, he looked away and blushed.
Dang, he's cute when he blushes.
I walk over there and ask, "someone sitting here?".
He looked up at me and his eyes widened, it was actually kinda adorable. He smiled nervously "n-no." I sat down next to him.
I caught him looking at me a few times, I blushed. No man had ever made me feel this way before. I don't know what it is, but I like him. The day went by pretty fast we had a couple of classes together but a girl named charlie kept asking for me to sit with her. I found out she was gay, she had a girlfriend and  her mother died ,before the bell rang. She hopped up and grabbed my arm, leading me to the lunch room. Glad I made a friend. I grinned to myself. I followed her to the table there sat , a dirty blond haired guy, and dark haired guy and a blonde girl. Charlier sat down and motioned for me to. I did as told. She said " that's Jo," she pointed the the blonde. " that's Gabriel, call em' Gabe." She said pointing to be dirty blonde haired guy. " and that's Garth." She pointed to the other, I smiled, but mainly stayed quite. The rest of the day went by in a flash, but I couldn't get that kid off my mind. I knew I was....I thought I was straight, why did I feel so..attracted to him?.

I left and waited for Sammy by baby. Yes I call my car baby, WHAT CHA GONNA DO BOUT IT.
Sammy finally made it to the car. We drove home talking about school.
He couldn't keep a smile off his face , I chukled
"What?" He asked.
"Someone looks happy today"
"Well...I made a friend, his name is Gabriel. ".  Well I knew him, but I didn't want to ruin his moment.

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