Forced to Eat

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Draco endured the rest of his classes fairly well. He mainly kept in the background, and did not speak to anyone. Gregory and Blaise had a free period this time, so when his classes were finally over, he rushed to find them. 
"HAY!" Draco said, walking over to them. Ron and Harry, and Ginny, and Hermione were standing opposite of Blaise and Gregory, all with their wands out. "Blaise, what the hell is going on here?" Draco asked quietly. Everyone seemed to notice that Draco Malfoy had gotten much more quiet, even when he was normally speaking.
"Potter and his pathetic friends, specifically potter and weasel, were going on and on about how you must feel like an idiot about joining the Dark Lord! I told them they don't have all the facts, and that's how this started." Draco mentally groaned. Ginny lowered her wand, while Harry and and Ron stared at her. 
"Malfoy, are they right? Where you forced into it?" Draco looked at Blaise and Gregory. 
"What does it matter? Either way it will not change the past, and I would rather not talk about it." Draco said, his looked exhausted. 
"But, is it true?" Hermione asked. Draco groaned. 
"I-I cannot tell you that. Just, please understand there are certain things that I am unable to speak of."
"Why?" Ron asked, still glaring. 
"Because you idiot! Just because we are pureblood does NOT mean that we've had the best of all the world. You, Weasel, I wouldn't expect you to understand. Your parents have always been there for you, set no impossibly high expectations that you must reach! You would never, ever understand what Draco Malfoy has had to deal with. So why don't you just stop judging people before you even know all of the facts."
"Just because he acts different doesn't change the fact that he's still a git at heart!" Ron yelled. Blaise's eyes flashed, and was about to hex Ron.
"I think you should get your misconcieved facts straight before you start calling people names, idiot! Maybe if you knew what happened at Draco's..."
"BLAISE!" Draco shouted. He gave him a warning look. Blaise acknowledged it, and returned his glare to Ron.
"Either way, you don't know the reasons behind his behavior. I would have thought that you would have seen it by now, specially you, Granger." Gregory interjected. His voice was filled with fury. 

"HAY WHAT IN THE NAME OF HOGWARTS IS GOING ON HERE?!" None other than Severus Snape came into view. Hermione lowered her wand, as did Harry and Ron. "MALFOY, what happened here?" Draco tensed at Snape's tone.
"I came here near the end. Apparently Potter and Weasley were making rude comments, about my willingly taking the Dark Mark, without all the facts, and when Blaise and Gregory here attempted to tell them that, a rift broke out. I don't know how it got to wands being raise, nor who raised theirs first."
"Right, well than, Zabini, Goyle, lower your wands, NOW!" Blaise and Gregory glared at Snape. "Yeah, like that's happening." Blaise said sarcastically. Snape looked ready to snap. Gregory nudged Blaise, and they looked at Draco, who took a deep breath.
"Lower your wands, guys, I don't want St. Potter and his friends here to go running around the castle saying that the unfortunate sons of three ex-deatheater families hexed them. The punishment for that was not...pleasant." Draco whispered, Blaise and Gregory automatically assumed sypathatic expressions. They both immediately lowered their wands at Draco's words. Snape seemed furious. 

"Ginny Weasley, who raised their wands first?" Blaise and Gregory were glaring daggers at Ron and Harry. 
"That would be my idiot of a brother Ron, Professor, followed by Harry, than Hermione, than Blaise and Gregory, and myself. No spells were actually cast." Ginny said, and Harry and Ron shot her a look that showed their disbelief.
"Very well, Ron Weasley, a months detention, starting today. I will meet you in my office at precisley eight o clock. Potter, three weeks detention, same time, with Filch."
"What about quidditch?" Potter asked.
"Well, maybe your and your friend should have thought about that before you made idle accusations without the whole story, or even attempting to listen to the whole story, when it was offered to you, instead, thriving on rumors, and things you definetely do NOT understand! Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Professor." They said through gritted teeth.
"Now, move along." Draco gave a curt nod towards Blaise and Gregory. They walked somewhat in front of the Potter group.

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