The Hogwart's Express

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Draco Malfoy was bent over in a compartment by himself. His platinum-blonde hair fell across his face, masking his blue/grey eyes. He was very muscular and toned now, mostly due to his past experiences since his sixth year. He was very pale, as per the norm. He already had his Slytherin robes on, and was just sitting there. His whole body was aching. Damn his father. 
The compartment door was roughly pushed open. Draco grit his teeth, automatically turning to face Seamus, wand at the ready, some sort of emotion in his eyes, which disappeared before even a second was over. He looked exhausted. He had noticable dark circles under his eyes. All in all, he looked completely worn out.
"Are you alright, Malfoy? You look awful." Malfoy lowered his wand, before returning to his previous state.
"What do you want, Finnigan?" Draco asked. His voice echoed his appearance of physical tiredness. 
"Uh," Seamus was put off by Draco's appearance, voice, and his complete lack of insults. 
"Just spit it out!" Draco said with a hint of impatience.
"Sorry, Professor McGonagall wants to see you, now." Draco groaned.
"Very well," Draco got up, slowly, wincing, as if it hurt. Seamus looked at him questioningly, but Draco ignored him. He was in a horrible enough condition, and he did not want to have to answer any questions. "Take me to her." Draco ordered, but not in his usual voice. He sounded tired.
"Oh, okay."
Draco Malfoy walked behind Seamus until they got to the compartment that McGonagall was in. Seamus slid the door open for him, and Malfoy walked into the compartment. 
"Hello, Mister Malfoy."
"Don't call me that, please." Draco whispered. McGonagall looked at him curious.
"What would you like me to call you?"
"ANYthing else," Draco's quiet voice seemed almost pleading with her. 
"Very well, well, why don't you sit down until the HeadGirl arrives?" Draco nodded curtly, before practically collapsing onto the seat. McGonagall looked at him worriedly. It was obvious that he was not getting anywhere near enough sleep.

"Hay, Ginny!" Seamus smiled at her, and greeted the Golden Trio as well.
"Ay Seamus! What brings you ta this neck of the woods?" Ron asked. 
"Actually, Professor McGonagall wants to see Ginny, I think it's got something to do with the HeadGirl thing." Ginny smiled at her friends and got up and followed Seamus.
"Whatever you do, don't start yelling, and don't freak out."
"Don't worry," Ginny said, with a smile.

Draco Malfoy was sitting bent over when Ginny walked in the room. He did not even register her presence, which she thought was odd.
"Hello, Malfoy." Ginny said curtly, and in a somewhat rude tone. Draco did nothing. He just gave a slight nod to show he heard her and greet her as well. 
"Ah, now that we have both the Heads here, I can tell you the announcements." Draco did not look up, he truly seemed exhausted. "Mister Malfoy," Draco sucked in a breath really quickly.
"I apologize, Malfoy, please look at me when I am talking to you." Draco Malfoy took a deep breath, and looked directly into McGonagall's eyes, something his father had trained him to do since he was young. "Anyways, both of you will be sharing a common room but will have separate rooms to sleep in. I hope that, maybe, you can look past your prejudice for each other. I think that I have picked the two perfect people for this job."
"Professor, am I still needed here?" Draco asked, his voice somewhat quivering. 
"Uh, no, but..."
"I-I re-really should go." Draco said, as he stood up, clutching the window pane, before moving to the door. 
"Malfoy," McGonagall said sternly. Draco paused, seemingly frozen, at the doorstep. McGonagall realized the affect her tone had on the boy, and regretted it. Draco did not move, he just stood there, waiting. "I would like it if you would visit Professor Snape. You seem unusually in pain."
"I...I do not...I don't need..." Draco paused and took a deep breath."I don't need, Professor." Draco said in a much more steady voice. 
"Malfoy," McGonagall said in a very stern and somewhat firm voice. Draco tensed. "I am afraid that I must order you to visit Professor Snape when we get to Hogwarts than." McGonagall said. "You may leave now, Mr. Malfoy." Draco's breathing hitched when he heard the title. 
"Yes, Professor, I will do as you say." And Malfoy left.
"Ah, Ginerva!" Ginny turned back to McGonagall. "Would you mind keeping a close eye on Mr. Malfoy, I am afraid he might do something...brash."
"Uh, okay." 

Draco dropped back into the compartment, seething silently. The last person that he wanted to see right now was Snape. One of Lucius's 'friends'. He did not truly trust him Who knew what he would relay to his father. He did not, however, really see a way out of it. McGonagall had ordered him to do it, and he would not disobey authority, the last time he did that...Draco shuddered at even the mention of it. No, he would visit Snape, just not that night, the next morning. After all, he would see him in potions class.

It was the magnificent feast of first night of Hogwarts. However, Draco was not hungry. In fact, he had barely eaten at all. His father had been livid with him when he had helped Potter. Therefore, there was the daily punishments, the severe lack of food, the everything. He was just used to it. Used to little to no food for days on end. He blindly stood when his name was called, before sitting back down heavily. He was still absolutely exhausted. 
Draco felt a tap on his shoulder. He automatically stood up, and twisted the arm behind the person's back. Ginny squealed. Draco dropped his hands, them shaking uncontrollably. 
"I-I..." Draco's breathing quickened and became shallow. "Sorry," He said about to leave. Ginny grabbed his wrist, causing him to stiffen and freeze, clenching his teeth, while some sort of emotion flashed through his eyes, before it was gone. Always the Malfoy, able to hide his every emotion. 
"Snape wants to talk with us." Draco inhaled sharply. 
"Fine, just, let go of me." Draco was trying to be commanding, but underneath was slight panic.
"Sorry, Malfoy." Ginny ripped her hand away, causing a rubbing sensation on his wrist, creating a vast amount of pain to spiral up Draco's left arm. This caused Draco to gasp softly in pain. He rubbed his wrist softly. It was his left, the one the blasted mark was on. He followed Ginny to where Severus Snape was standing.
"I am to take you to your new dorms." Snape said, Draco stayed slightly away from him. Snape did not fail to notice this. He narrowed his eyes at him, but did not say anything. "Follow me,"

Snape led them to the third floor, where there was a picture of Albus Dumbledore hanging on the wall. "The password is Unity, don't forget it." Ginny walked through the hole, Draco made a motion to do so, but Snape snatched his arm. Malfoy tensed automatically. Snape's hold was tight and firm.
"I need to speak with you, Malfoy." Snape said in a low voice. Malfoy  shuddered. "Now," Draco nodded, mostly out of fear. The picture closed and the moving Dumbledore watched them. 
"And just how are you doing Malfoy?" Draco did not look at Snape's eyes. 
"Fine, Sir," He said quietly. 
"Fine? I have some doubts about that." Snape whispered. "Who was it this time?"
"Really, Professor, I do not want to talk about this." Draco said quietly. Dumbledore looked at them intently. 
"Malfoy, I want to help, but I can't if you continue to refuse to tell me what goes on with you at that house!" Draco's breathing became rapid, and he started quaking. 
"Severus, I do believe that pressuring Mister Malfoy will do absolutely no good. You might as well, just let him go." The Picture Dumbledore said. Snape let go of Draco's arm and allowed him to go through the hole.
"What am I going to do? He refuses my aid." Snape said angrily. 
"He is a scared young teenage boy, who has had to deal with a lot throughout his life, do not be so harsh on the boy."
"I am always harsh, that is just who I am. I expect him to..."
"Severus, maybe sometimes too much is expected of him." Snape sighed. 
"I suppose you are right."

Draco Malfoy's Worst FearWhere stories live. Discover now