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Kili and I turned to our shared room. It was large. The walls were made of stone, I saw another couple doors, and even a staircase; this was more like a large home now that I thought about it. We were clearly in something like a living room. There were chairs and couches, along with a rug and a hearth. Bookshelves lined the walls, few book in them. To the right, there was a kitchen, with a small oven, and a kettle where a fire could be lit. A table and chairs were arranged close by.

I headed toward the staircase, in awe at this place. It masked the pain for the time being. I walked up to see a few doors in a wide hallway. I opened one to see a guest bedroom, and another room. There was a study with two desks, and more bookshelves with little on them. I even saw weapon racks.

Another door led to a large bathroom, and the last door at the end of the hall was the main bedroom. It was quite large, a large bed pushed against the wall with furs on it. There was a dresser, with a full length mirror, and a closet for the more delicate clothing, and its own bathroom. There were also a few chairs in here and another bookshelf. I had a lot of things to put on all these shelves. It was shockingly homey. It made me miss my room in the Blue Mountains, but this was home now. Maybe I would go back someday to collect things.

I walked further in, setting down my bag. "Hey... I'm going to draw a bath for you, okay?" Kili said, realizing I was bothered. I nodded. He came over and kissed my lips, before disappearing from the room and into the bathroom. This was a beautiful place, the details so intricate. Though, I didn't really notice much considering my state.

I sat in a chair that was in the corner, and took off my boots and socks. I wiggled my toes. I had worn shoes almost constantly since the start of the journey, not counting the small bath or two in a lake, Laketown, and around my room in Rivendell. I missed the feeling of stone under my feet. I took the chance to look into the mirror that was standing in another corner. I looked like a wreck.

Much of my hair had escaped my braid, and was framing my hair in odd angles. My face was covered in grime, as was my neck. I looked exhausted, and weak beyond measure. My leggings were ripped, and my shirt, revealing white bandages. I looked down at my feet, which were dirty beyond measure. Then I glanced down at my hands. My mother's ring was on my right hand, dirty as well, but intact. Kili's wedding band wasn't as dirty, and shone on my hand. I smiled slightly.

Fingers filled the spaces that previously were empty. Arms had wrapped around my waist, a chin on my shoulder. I looked back in the mirror to see Kili behind me. His hands wrapped around my stomach gently, and he smiled at the reflection. I did as well, but it didn't reach my eyes, just like Kili's, but his did more than mine. He turned me around, tugging me closer. My hands rested against his chest, feeling the cold chainmail still.

"Your bath is awaiting you, Amralime." Kili said in a slightly dramatic tone. I rolled my eyes, my lips quirking at the ends. He kissed me, before taking my hand and gently leading me into the bathroom. "I'll leave you be. Let me know if you need anything. I love you." He said as he closed the door. I exhaled sharply again. I saw Kili had put scented soap into the bath, making bubbles on the surface. I set the rings on the wash basin, not wanting to get them wet.

I peeled off my shirt and wrap to see bandages again. Taking off the bandages from my leg wounds, I slid my leggings off. I unbraided the main braid Kili had made before the battle. I fingered the courting braid, before looking in another mirror there. Now I really looked like a mess. Bandages were stained lightly red. Ribs stuck out from my skin as obviously as my hip bones. Bags were under my eyes like bruises.

My legs were only muscle and skin, and even that was going away. My collarbones stuck out against my chest, my skin paler than usual. I finally turned away, taking off my undergarments, settling into the bathtub. The water was the perfect temperature, and I sighed. I leaned back in the tub, relishing in the feeling I had not experienced in a long time. The water relaxed my pained muscles, and after only a moment, the stinging sensation from my lacerations gave way to a very comforting feeling.

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