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(A/N) Can we just take a moment to appreciate this angle of our bae's face? I love side shots of him! Nantucket is America's cowlick. have a weird obsession with it. Don't ask me why. *It's so beautiful! :P~ * It's not his e-zone, I don't think, but it will be used as such in this story, because I need it to be. My personal nickname for America is Mickey, because he is fucking FINE. ;)

You bolted down the hall, yelling the nickname you had for your boyfriend, America. "MICKEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!" "WHAAAAAAATIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE?" You jumped over the back of the sectioned couch, and belly-flopped, your face just missing his lap. "Mickey" "Whatie?" He looked down at you. "I love you." "I love you too, babe." He tucked his hands under your arms, flipping you over and sitting you upright on his lap. His arms wrapped around your waist, and his chin rested on his shoulder. He continued to watch the baseball game. You stared at the screen, entranced by the flashy MLB animations. 

His cowlick brushed against your head. He'd told you about Nantucket. Hell, you've USED Nantucket. You've used it to your full perverted advantage. You kept your eyes trained on the screen. 'slow. slow. slow' You reached your hand up to the odd lock of hair. Whoosh. a blur whipped by your face, and caught your arm. He calmly lowered your arm back down. His face buried itself in your neck. 'Not this time, babe.' It wasn't long before you tried again. and again. and again. and again. Every time, your plans were foiled.

'one more time, then I'll stop.' You reached up, and once again, were stopped. "Dammit, babe!" He chuckled. He wasn't mad. Not even annoyed. He liked it when you tried to get him under the sheets with you. He'd totally let you, if it wasn't game night. You stuck your tongue out at him. He just kind of smirked and lifted his eyebrows real quick, going back to his game. You turned back to the TV, plotting your revenge. 

You were feeling kind of horney, and you were NOT going to let this opportunity go to waist. You turned around, straddling him. He tried his best to ignore you, moving his head to look around you. you layed on his chest, as his hand went to your back, rubbing up and down. He kissed you on the head, his eyes never leaving the television. Your right hand rested on his shoulder, as you kissed his shirt. He hmmed. Up, your hand traveled, to his neck, across his cheek. 'I'm not going to stop her. It's the bottom of the ninth, and we're in the lead by 4.' Your fingers brushed through his hair. You lightly pulled on Nantucket. He growled in satisfaction, looking at you lustfully. He flipped you over onto your back. hungry kisses attacked your face and neck. 'Jesus Christ, FINALLY!'


(A/N) Save me from my perverted mind -_- OH MY GOD! I just realized I had changed the sport he was watching from football to baseball in the end! I fixed it.

Star Spangled Heart: America x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now