All-American Girl (songfic)

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(A/N)Sory, America. No Mickey D's this time. Honestly, I'm surprised no one has done this yet

Since the day they got married,
He'd been praying for a little baby boy

Your father sat in the waiting room, nervous and scared. 'Will I be a good father? Can I do this? Will I always be there for my son?' He paced back and forth, shaking with fear. He didn't know if he could do this.

Someone he could take fishing,
Throw the football and be his pride and joy

Would it be someone he could be proud of? Would he raise him right? Would everything be okay? The nurse walked through the doors, and called for him This was it. He was going to see his little baby boy!

He could already see him holding that trophy,
Taking his team to State

He followed her down the hall, thinking about how much fun it was going to be! A boy! Someone to play catch with, to coach a football team for! To give advice on girls, and their weird habits and mixed messages to! The next eighteen years were going to be the best of his life.

But when the nurse came in with a little pink blanket,
All those big dreams changed

The nurse led him through a door, and handed him a baby pink bundle. At first he was confused, but then he realized, no one had ever said it was going to be a boy. He just assumed. He pulled back a corner of the downy soft fabric, and fell in love at once.

And now he's wrapped around her finger,
She's the center of his whole world
And his heart belongs to that sweet little beautiful, wonderful, perfect all-American girl

The next eighteen years were going to be the best of his life, but not for the reasons he expected. He spoiled you rotten. You were his little American princess. He would do anything for you. You were his everything. Daddy's little girl.

Sixteen short years later,
She was falling for the senior football star

You sat on the bleachers, overlooking the football field. School had been a mess today, but hey, welcome to junior year. Your boyfriend, Alfred, was the team's secret weapon. He wasn't the biggest player, but he was definitely the strongest. He could throw a football like no other. You would hate to be a blocker with him rushing. You heard his loud voice from the highest uncomfortable, metal bench yell "hike!" Center threw the ball to him, between his legs.

Before you knew it he was dropping passes,
Skipping practice just to spend more time with her

He smiled up at you, just as the ball reached his hand. He missed it. You giggled and signed to him as best you could, 'pay attention, you goof!' He waved to you. You blushed, while the other players' shoulders shook with laughter.

The coach said, "Hey, son, what's your problem
Tell me have you lost your mind?

His coach walked up to him, brimming with fury. Alfred didn't care. He was too busy, daydreaming about you, and all the practices he didn't go to, just so he could cuddle with you in the bed of his dad's pickup truck, watching the sunset.

Daddy said you'll lose your free ride to college.
Boy, you better tell her goodbye."

He suddenly became interested in what the coach had to say when your name was mentioned. He couldn't believe what was happening! "Coach, did you just ask me to choose between college and my girlfriend?" "You're relying on a sports scholarship, boy! your grades sure ain't gonna cut it!" Alfred was livid. 'Is he calling me dumb? Dude! This totally isn't fair! I can get into college! (Y/N) will help me!' 

But now, he's wrapped around her finger
She's the center of his whole world
And his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfect

Alfred ripped off his helmet, and threw it on the ground. You stared at him from above, confused. 'What did he say? What could possibly tick him off so bad?' You followed him with your eyes as he headed toward the locker room. Down the aluminum steps you ran, clanging all the way. You followed him in, ignoring the coach's protests. 'so what if it's a boy's locker room! The only boy that should be in here right now is mine!' You stepped around a corner to see your boyfriend striped of his gear, sobbing into his hands. You sat on the bench next to him. His arms carried you into his lap. "I'll do anything for you, (Y/N). Anything." That was when you knew: 'He's the one.'

And when they got married and decided to have one of their own
She said, "Be honest, tell me what you want?"
And he said, "Honey, you ought to know...

Twenty years later, you lay in bed next to Alfred, a diamond glittering proudly on your ring finger. The light from his phone cast a pale glow on his face. You pretended to read, pondering how to tell him... "Hey Alfred?" "hm?" He looked up. "If we were to have a kid, would you want a boy or a girl?" He thought about it for a minute. 

A sweet, little, beautiful one just-a like you.
I want a beautiful, wonderful, perfect all-American..."

"A girl. Just like you." He paused, "Why do you ask?" "Just wondering." You went back to "reading." After a minute, he spoke, "(Y/N)?" "hm?" "Are you pregnant?" You looked up at him, trying to hold back a smile,  failing miserably. 

Now he's wrapped around her finger
She's the center of his whole world
And his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfect
All-American girl

Six months later, a bundle lay in his arms. Two sparkling blue eyes mirthfully greeted him, along a smile embedded in two chubby pink cheeks. She cooed at him. He made a funny face at her. She laughed her head off. You watched them both from the doorway. "Are you two goofballs going to sit down to dinner or not?" He turned to you, tears in his eyes. "I love her so much." "I know honey." He has been doing this periodically since you had brought her home. "She's my sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfect..."

All-American girl

(A/N) DAAAAAAYYYYYUUUUUM! He is so OOC it hurts! meh. Whateves.

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