Chapter 40 - Ryan

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"Ryan!" I heard.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"How have you been, man?" Rogelio walked up to me and we did our usual handshake. 

"I've been good. How was your spring break?" I asked.

"No parties whatsoever. Some people went out of town, and my parents were home the entire time. I couldn't throw any parties. I hung out with a couple of friends though. What about you, what'd you do?"

"The guys and I went to Sheer Rivers. We rented a cabin and chilled up there. It was awesome." I nodded.

"The usual guys?" he asked. "Roxy, too?"

I nodded my head.

"Sounds awesome. Well, since I didn't go to any parties or throw any, I'm throwing a party this Friday. Same time, same place."

I nodded.

"Come and hang, if you want. Invite the guys and Roxy, like usual."

"Thanks for the invite, man."

"No problem. See you guys there." He patted my shoulder, before walking off in a different direction, and I headed to class.

I walked into my math class and made my way towards the back of the classroom to my seat. Fiona was already in her seat in front of mine. Her eyes followed me the entire way to my seat.

"Hey, Ryan," she said, turning around the second I sat down in my seat.

I gave her a small nod after taking out my notebook from my backpack and setting my backpack down on the ground beside my seat.

"So how was your spring break? My friends and I went to Hawaii. It was so amazing. Great weather and bikinis all day long." She smiled, placing her hands on the back of her seat and slightly leaning forward. "What did you do?"

"The guys and I went to Sheer Rivers."

"The guys? So Roxy didn't go?" she asked, as her eyes lit up and her smile widened on her face.

"Roxy went. We wouldn't leave without her." Just as I finished saying that, Roxy walked into the classroom and sat in her seat beside me.

"Hey, Roxy." Fiona turned her head slightly to talk to her.

"Hey," Roxy answered, while taking out her notebook, failing to make eye contact.

"Ryan was just telling me about your spring break. That sounds fun, Sheer Rivers," she said, backing away from my seat to face her better. "You guys should've gone somewhere warmer. We went to Hawaii, and it was bikini weather everyday. That's all I wore when I was there. You know, the less clothing the better, for weather like that," she said, throwing her hair over her shoulder.

I turned to look at Roxy. She was now holding eye contact with Fiona and had a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Yeah, but Sheer Rivers was so fun. All the nature was beautiful, we got to wear flannels, and have bonfires. The rain was so pretty."

"It's cold though. Why would you want to be in the cold?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"It's perfect for cuddling," Roxy said, holding eye contact. "Isn't that right, Ryan?" Roxy turned to look at me then back at Fiona.

I nodded my head in agreement. That's when Fiona pouted and then turned around to face the classroom.

I had to contain my laughter, so all I could do was grin. Roxy had a small smile on her lips, as she began to write something down in her notebook.

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