Chapter 31 - Roxy

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"So, any plans for spring break?" Finn asked.

"Nope," Carter said. "What should we do, any ideas?" he asked, before he took a bite of his turkey sandwich.

Ryan and I turned to look at each other.

"We had an idea," I said. "How about we go camping?"

"We can go up to Sheer Rivers for a week and camp," Ryan explained.

"Listen," Garrett started. "I'm not really an outdoor person. I wouldn't want to sleep out in the wilderness. I can do nature, not sleeping out in it though."

I turned to look at Ryan. He nodded his head.

"How about a cabin then? We rent out a cabin for a week. Explore the town, go on a few hikes, and enjoy the views," I proposed.

I looked at the guys. They seemed like they were really considering it.

"An actual bed to sleep in? I'm in," Garrett said.

"Yeah. It sounds like fun. I'm down," Carter answered.

"Finn?" I asked.

"Nature and hikes? You know I'm down."

I smiled, knowing everyone liked the idea and agreed.

"Alright. This will take a lot of planning. We'll also have to ask our parents for permission. Sheer Rivers is a two-hour drive from here." Finn took the lead.

We all nodded.

When it came to things like this, Finn knew what to do.

"Well, my parents won't mind. So I'm sure I can go," Garrett said.

My mood instantly changed. I went from being excited that everyone liked the idea to being sad and devastated.

Garrett's parents were usually always busy. You would think that only having one child meant they would focus all of their attention on only Garrett, but that wasn't the case. I'm sure they loved him. I knew they did, but sometimes they overlooked him. That's why he loved spending time with us, just like me. We were two lonely children in households where no one was ever home.

I looked over at Garrett. He looked at me and smiled. Through everything. He still managed a smile. That made me happy. I returned the smile.


I grabbed my phone and pressed on the contact.

There were a few rings before someone answered.



"No, sorry. This is her assistant."

Assistant? When did my mother get an assistant? Why did she need an assistant?

"This is Roxy, right?"

"Yes. Roxanne. May I speak to my mother?"

"One moment, please."

I waited for a few minutes before she came to the phone.

"Hello?" I heard.


"Yes, honey?"

"When did you get an assistant?"

"A while back. Didn't I mention it to you?"


"So did you need anything?"

"Yeah. For spring break the guys and I want to go to Sheer Rivers and stay in a cabin for a week. May I go?"

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