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This chapter is dedicated to Your_Toxic_Nightmare, I'm totally loving the profile name ^.^

Here's the next Chapter!



(Tyler's point of view)

It was a few nights later from when we got our real Greg back.

We were all just sitting around downstairs except for Vivian who was upstairs still getting dressed in her pajamas and whatever else girls do.

We were just doing nothing until...

Knock Knock Knock

We all looked up and at each other. I just shrugged and got off the couch to answer it. Passing by the clock I caught the time,


It was winter so it had gotten dark at around 4-5PM and to add to that it was raining hard outside. I wondered who could be at the door at this time of night? I walked over to the door and opened it.

A man with a briefcase was standing infront of me. It looked like something out of a movie, but then again so did everything in our lives.

"Can I help you?" I asked unsure of what to do, maybe he has the wrong house?

"Yes, umm, may I use your phone?"

"Sure." I said as I stepped aside to let him in the house.

"Thank you." He said and I just nodded.

I let the guy use the house phone and as I sat down at the kitchen table the other guys came in out of interest too and took a seat. The guy was only about two feet away so we could hear everything.

"Yes, 9-1-1, I have an emergency." The man with the briefcase said, "There's a car accident. A women was driving past me when I'm guessing she couldn't see and lost control of her car. It went off the road and right into a tree, shes dead ma'am. I had opened the car door to see if she was alright, but her head had hit the dashboard in the wrong place..."


"Umm yes I can identify her. I saw her purse next to her and I found her license. Her name is Alexandria Rose."

I felt my heart stop at those last two words. I looked around at the other guys to see them all horrified too.


It was a few months ago and we were talking to Vivian about her life and family.

"So all you have left is your mother?" I asked.

"Yeah." She looked down sadly.

"What's her name?" Blake asked taking a bite of some chips.


"Hmm, Alexandria Rose, what a beautiful name." Blake complimented.

"Thank you." She smiled softly.

"Now you have us too! We can be a family! A messed up one.... but one nonetheless!" We all laughed and it was true, we were one big family.

**End of Flashback**

Nobody said anything, the only noise was the rain which somehow only seemed to get loader and the soft murmer of the briefcase man's voice the seemed to fade away and was inaudible.


The phone being hung up broke me out of my trance.

"Thank you, I will be on my way now." The man spoke and started to make his way towards the door.

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