All the right things.

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                  "Today is saturday!  Woo-hoo lets get on down to the pool to enjoy this hot beautiful day here in atlanta ga", the radio said, waking me up. It looks good outside, so I wonder what I'm going to do today. First thing first I recieved a text from the guy I met at school yesterday. " Good morning jana, how are you?" The text said. So I then replied, " good, what're you doing today" questioning myself, " should I have even asked that?" So eventually arron & I chilled a few times at my house , watch tv, walked around the neighborhood, and went on a movie date a couple times. I'm now in 8th grade and he is in the 9th. So we never see eachother at school anymore. We only see eachother on weekends, or outside of school eventually arron asked me to be his gf. And of course I said yeah! We made it official. I would be in school & everyone would say " so you and arron made it official?" " you and arron still together? " " hows it going with you and arron?" I swear I heard his name more than mine. But I never got people in our business. Most of the time we were good , and sometimes not so good! My bestfriend Jabria would be the only one to know what goes on between me and arron, because I trusted her with everything and then some! I told her how me and arron actually had sex for the first time. She was super shocked, because she knew I was not into that. " girl so he took your virginity? How was it ? Did you like it?" Jabria began to ask. It was interesting to tell her the experience , because her and all my other friends were sexually active. I was the "virgin of the group". I just was not into sleeping with just anybody. Just to feel more "part of the group". I wanted to wait until the time was right. And thats just what I did.... I thought. I began telling jabria how everything went with arron and I, the experience and how I felt about it. She asked," are you guys using protection?" I'm like "wait huh? , what? Protection? Why? Thats my man!" 😂.  " girl you can catch diseases and stuff if y'all arent protected." Jabria stated. Im telling her, we have been together a year and then some, were only sleeping with eachother🤔. Me being in 8th grade, didnt really understand the point in protection until later.
       Months began to go by, and things with arron and I were slowly going downhill he would always say the right things to make me feel good and do the opposite .. eventually we argued alot, mainly me trying to keep him from leaving me, because he simply was all I knew .. arron began talking to people in his highschool. He began cheating, he began doing everything I was scared of happening. I seriously was done crying every night, worrying about why I wasnt good enough for him? I gave him everything he ever wanted , and still was treated like a side piece. I eventually was fed up, and ended things with arron. I began feeling as if I was in a relationship with myself for almost 2 years. I eventually started looking online for "love" 🙄😂. Because I began to think all the guys in my area was shitty. So I found a guy, his name was Cory. Cory inboxed me on social media... he was like "whats up?" I was tempted to not reply, simply because I felt he was gonna just turn out like the rest.. But he didnt, he probably was one of the best things to happen to me. He didnt live in my city, he lived in alabama. But that didnt stop nothing. Eventually cory & I became bestfriends. But what came with that was also a question to myself? Why? Why did I ruin something so good with cory?

The Life of Jana Kane.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora