Just an average teenager

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" Jana!! Wake up time for school!" My mom would yell into my room every morning to get ready for the 7th grade! That lady know she can yell! But I got up brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got my outfit together. We're in uniform, but I always had to make my uniform stand out. Always had on the flyest shoes & the belt to match. After I would finish all my morning duties I would get ready to hop on the bus and head to the back and sit with my friends. We were the most popular kids in the 7th grade. We always hung out with the 8th graders. All the kids thought we were so cool! Even though one guy stood out from the whole 8th grade to talk to me , I was super shocked. Since I'm in the 7th grade, and he's in 8th. " wassup, they call you jay jay right?" The guy said to me. I simply said , yes. He proceeded with telling me his name was arron, and how he wanted to text sometime. So of course I laughed to myself like , yeah this nigga think he's getting the goodies. But I gave him the number to my slide up nokia phone, and waited for a text. A couple of the girls seen him & was like .. " danng jayjay look at you" of course I smiled to myself like " yeah, an 8th grader asked for my number in front of everyone" lol. *Bell rings* " all bus students please proceed to your buses " , Dr. Flagg would say on the intercom. It was now the end of the day, can you say HAPPY? So I of course proceeded to my bus, number 310. With the funny ghetto fabulous bus drive mrs. cece , who would always compliment me in some way, each day I got on the bus! " oo miss jana your hair is pretty, who did it?" She said that evening. All the other kids who sat in front would always say " jana you should ask your mom to do mine". But of course I would always just say, okay. So I proceeded to the back of the bus, where myself and all the "cool" kids sat. And I noticed arron sitting back there as well. Arron usually rode a different bus home, so I was shocked to see him on mine. But of course his excuse was , he was riding the bus to he aunts house near mine. My face was all tight & im looking all lost , and extremely happy on the inside. But didnt want him to notice! So my stop came and I proceeded with exiting the bus, telling everyone goodbye. But arron stood out, he made it his mission to let everyone know he'd text me tonight. "Hey jay dont forget I'll text you" . So I smiled and continued walking. From then and there I knew I had found my future boyfriend. But with what happens next makes me wonder, should I have ever given arron my number? Should I even given him the time of day? Hell, should I even texted him back?

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