Chapter 1

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Warning! There will be some language and some blood stuff! You have been warned (not that I think it really matters considering all the other stories without warnings that are WAY worse)


I awoke to the shrill beeping in my head. 'Ugh, I don't want to get up.'  Instead of an alarm clock I had a magic one in my head so I didn't wake up my father in the morning or at least so I didn't anger him more with the noise. 'Shutup stupid alarm!' The noise finally died away and I silently slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom connected to my room. Slipping in, I quickly hopped in the shower and took a 3 minute shower. After getting dressed and brushing my ugly brown hair I tied my headband on and pulled my hood on. I tried to walk down the stairs as silently and fast as I could but on the last step it creaked loudly. "Seto?" 'Shit.' "Get your ass in here." Sighing, I walked in the living room to my oddly calm looking father. "Y-yes?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. 'I can't look scared or I'll get it worse.' "Come here," he said still looking calm, freaking me out a bit. I walked forward slowly until I was a foot away from where he resided on the couch. Suddenly I felt myself being yanked downward.

"I can't leave you looking to beat up before school without people being suspicious so you'll just have to deal with an aching stomach all day," he said with a smirk. I gulped and clenched my eyes shut. I probably could have fought back when he threw me down and kicked me in the stomach but I felt I deserved it. Using his powers, his eyes started to glow and I felt a horrendous pain in my lower stomach. I screamed out and wrapped my arms around myself. 'Fight back you coward!' 'No, I deserve this.' 'How so?' 'Its my fault it happened.' While I was fighting with myself I didn't even notice he had finished and left me on the floor. But then all the pain hit me at once and I cringed and bit my lip to the point of almost bleeding.

Wincing every now and then I got up and grabbed my bag I had prepared last night, skipping breakfast because of my loss of appetite. I used some of my own magic to heal enough to be able to get out the door. As I walked down the sidewalk I though about back then, when it started.


10 years ago

"Mommy! Dad taught me how to block with a barrier!" "That's wonderful honey! Show me." Little 6 year old Seto stood straight and closed his eyes and soon a purple wall appeared around him. After a few seconds the wall disappeared and Seto dropped to the floor panting. "H-how was that?" "You still need to work on it but your doing so well for your age! Honey, isn't our son such a fast learner?" Seto's dad looked down at him with a smile, the last smile ever seen on his face. "He sure is! I bet you're gonna grow up to be a powerful sorcerer." Seto beamed at that with a huge grin. But then a huge explosion could be heard, slightly shaking the house. 'Whats that mommy?" "Seto, honey. Go hide!" his mother said with a panicking tone. Confused still, Seto ran to the basement and hid behind some boxes.

He could hear shouts and more explosions upstairs and began to shake with fear when he heard someone's pain filled shriek. Loud stomps went down the stairs and he whimpered in fear. "You can't have him!" That was his mother's voice! Seto peaked from behind the box to see a big man advancing toward his mother. 'NO!' he thought and ran out. "Stay away from my mom!' He raised his hands and sent the man flying into a wall. "Why you little bitch!" The man started coming towards him and he ran to his mother. "Seto! Get behind me!" 4 more men had appeared behind the first and one had his father in a choke hold.

His mother had got in a fighting stance and a glow had surrounded her hands. "I said, you can't have him." Slowly she waved her hands and the first guy was sent flying again. Seto had hid his face once the man had splattered in front of them when he tried to attack again, not wanting to watch. He heard more thinks getting nocked over as more of them were sent flying but then another explosion resounded around the room and he looked again. There stood a man glowing red, surrounded by his dead and nocked out companions. The man's eyed glowed a fierce red before he threw his mother back into a wall behind him. Where was his father? 'Wait, there he is!' Seto saw his father tied down with what seemed to be a rope with a spell on it. Turning back to the man he noticed his mother getting up again.

She advanced towards the man at an impossible speed. He heard his father yelling "DONT DO IT!" Then suddenly the man turned and grabbed the fist about to hit him in the head and twisted it. His mother's scream pierced the air as she dropped to her knees. "Ha! Stupid women." The man picked her up by the throat and then it seemed like time slowed down as she struggled. The man laughed and then she exploded just like the guy who attacked earlier. The time seemed to speed up again as Seto screamed. All the windows in the house shattered and the man covered his ears. Seto was surrounded by an intense purple aura as he slowly rose from the ground and faced the man fully. His head was tilted down so his bangs covered his eyes. He slowly raised his head and the man backed up when he saw Seto's eyes and his father froze on the spot and stared shocked. Seto's once brown eyes were a bright glowing purple with silver marks swirling wildly around his pupils.

He walked ever so slowly to the frozen man in front of him and raised a hand. "You're dead." his voice range out, sounded much older than it should be. Everything happened so fast you almost couldn't see it. Seto ran forward at lightning speed and slammed the man into a wall, making giant cracks in the concrete wall. The purple aura glowed intensely, growing brighter by the second until Seto was surrounded by flames. The man screamed in pain as the purple flames surrounded him as well, leaving giant red marks. "You shall suffer for what you have done." Seto said, voice still eerie. The man stared frozen again at him and suddenly in a flash he was just a giant red mark on the wall. His father's ropes disappeared and he fell to the floor. "S-seto? Calm d-down." He just stood there for a second before he fell to his knees in a giant puddle of the mans blood. He turned his head to look at his father, tears streaming down his face, looking normal again. "S-she's gone. It's my fault. ITS MY FAULT SHE'S DEAD!" he screamed at his father. His father looked taken aback by that and suddenly his eyes widened then narrowed at Seto. "You're right. IT IS YOUR FAULT!" Seto just stared at him then back at his hands. Suddenly he fell to the floor and fainted.

~Flashback End~

That's when he started to beat me, screaming it was my fault. I didn't fight back because I knew it to be true. At first I could tell my father was scared but when I didn't do anything he got more brutal and stopped caring. I was so deep into thought I didn't even notice I was already at the bus stop. I cleared my mind of those thoughts and waited. Finally the bus arrived and I climbed aboard and walked to the back where only one other sat. Once I sat down I stared out the window and loathed myself in my head. 'Today's gonna be interesting isn't it.'

(HIATUS) Setosolace - My LightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz