Malfoy, the Biggest Asshole of the School

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A/N: Hey guys! So I will be introducing a few original characters  so don't freak out on me. If they don't look familiar, they're probably my characters. 

Hermione Granger was sad, so she did what she always does when she's sad, go to the library. She walked along  the familiar aisles of books, heading towards her favorite book, Hogwarts A History. She picked up the familiar book and headed to her favorite corner. To only find it was occupied by a ginger haired girl. The girls body wracked with sobs and she had her head buried in her hands. Hermione, being Hermione, immediately rushed over. "Are you ok?" She asked frantically. The girl looked up. She was actually quite pretty. She had wavy ginger hair that brushed her shoulders that had a Bobby pin in it and puffy chocolate brown eyes. "Oh I'm sorry. I'll move so you can sit." The girl started to get up when Hermione shook her head. "No, you can tell me what the matter is. I can help." Hermione smiled gently. The girl nodded. "I'm a third year Slytherin. I had this awesome boyfriend, but I was worried because he was a year older and always checking out other girls, but he told me he loved me so I let it slide. Then I went to get my Quidditch supplies from the closet, I'm a Beater y'know, and he was snogging the evil slut Pansy Parkinson! I don't think they realized I saw them.  But whatever. My other friends took it seriously and went to find him. They're a couple years older then you I think. And my friend Rory went to go find them to restrain them." The girl smiled. Hermione pulled the girl into her arms as her body started to shake with sobs. The poor third year girl, who's fourth year boyfriend cheated on her! Who would do that? Hermione looked at the girl. "Umm... who was your boyfriend?" Hermione asked the girl. She was going to give this guy a piece of her mind. The ginger looked at her in horror. "Oh no! Please don't hurt him! He'd kill me!" The brown eyed beauty whispered. "Ok, what's your name then sweetheart?" Hermione asked. "Ella White. Ella Ivy White." Ella said. Hermione nodded.  She got up and left, leaving the girl in shock. Hermione turned back around facing the girl. "What's your friends' names?" Hermione said. "Rory Phillips,and the twins." Hermione was surprised that Fred and George would befriend a Slytherin. Hermione smiled and stormed out of the library. She immediately saw two gingers holding back a bleach blonde while a golden blonde had a wand pointed at his throat. "Move over boys, let me deal with him." Hermione said as she marched up. The twins looked in her direction. The girl did too. Hermione noticed she had a Ravenclaw robe on. She had pretty sea blue eyes and long golden hair that fell to her waist. She must be Rory. "Hermione Granger," the girl said in a velvety voice. Malfoy found Hermione's terrifying chocolate eyes and whimpered in fright. Hermione smirked and pit her wand up to Malfoy's throat. He whimpered louder. Hermione took her wand away, and turned, looking like she was going to walk away. She turned back around and her fist collided with his face. "Woah! Hermione!" The twins said in unison. Rory just stood there with her wand in her hand. "Perfectus toalus!" She waved her wand at Malfoy and then head back to the library for her friend. The twins smirked as Malfoy fell to the ground. "My lady" they said and held out there arms for Hermione to take. She took them and they escorted her to the library.

A/N Hi guys! So my second chapter is done. Just ignore the cast. So this is how I imagine Ella

 So this is how I imagine Ella

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And then our fabulous Rory

And then our fabulous Rory

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