One Person Can Change a Life.

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Authors NOTE:

hey, I dunno if your will like this. I wrote it months ago and put it on my facebook as a note and forgot about it.

Its about me, depression is a hard disorder it cope with, its even harder to heal. We never truly heal, its always there waiting to take us down again.

 Sometimes there one thing that you can hold on too when u are about to give up, or they hold onto you. Well for me that was a very good friend, and I love them dearly.

xox G.J.G



She stared at her reflection, unsure of what was expected of her. She'd never been sure, what did people want from her, how was she meant to act? She'd always felt she was doing something wrong and people were judging her even though they'd never say anything. She felt their eyes watching and almost could hear the whirling of thier minds as their silent words spoke to them, judging her, pointing out her faults and how she was failing.

That was how she felt, she was failing, falling, getting deeper into a plunging hole of trying and failing. She didnt know why she felt this way, all she wanted to be was accepted, she wanted to fit and not be some peice of a puzzle accidently thrown in the wrong box.

She never felt right, never belonged. She felt alone.

She'd heard stories of that one person who'd come and changed someones world, pulling them out of their pool of lonely surroundment. She'd never believed it to be anything but a fairlytale. Fairytales never were true.

She still doesn't know to this day how it happened, it all seems a blurr, she cant remember whether it happened fast or slow, all she knows was they became friends. Just when she needed it most they were there, the only person who could understand her, and keow what she was dealing with. She was pulled out of her trap and helped to see things clearly, to see she wasn't totally alone. There were people who cared, they just didnt know how she felt.

The months past on, and her friend helped her to see the colours. She doesnt know what she would've done without them.

It is still a battle but with them she knew she could hang on and fight with all she had, cos with them she had strength, if they beleieved in her then she could take the first steps in beleiving in herself.

To this day she fights, but she also stands strong.

She copes.

She has desciens to make.

But she also has a strong bright future.

And the friend, who warms her heart and continues to brighten her skies.

She is forever grateful.

This is a true story

.......and it continues to this day

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2012 ⏰

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