Chapter 4

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The redhead that I saw earlier left to go get the children. I was currently shunning Remus.

"Well, now you all know me, can i know all you?" I asked, my patience nearly flaring up my Evans temper.

"That's Arthur Weasley, his wife, Molly, just left to get the kids. This is Tonks, that's Moddy, Diggle, Mundungus, Kingsley, Bill Weasley, Sturgis Podmore, Hestia Jones, Emmeline Vance, and Elphias Dodge," Dumbledore said. "I assume you know Remus, Sirius, and Severus." (I know that's not everyone in the order of the Phoenix, but they didn't all show up for this meeting.)

"Currently, I am only in good terms with Sirius and Sev. Remus has been shunned," I replied, closing my eyes. "Oh and, you might want to put away those diagrams if you're trying to keep the kids out of the meetings." I said lightly, flicking my wand and putting them away.

"Where did you learn magic?" Dumbledore asked.

"A house elf who is currently deceased. She taught me the whole Hogwarts curriculum, but I still want go to school. Ya know, bonding and such. Normal teenager things so I'm not suck in a room with nothing to do except cope with my feelings," I replied stiffly at the beginning, then closed my eyes.

I then reopened them and glared at Remus. He asked how such a young house elf got killed.

"Shot. Illness curse. I wouldn't know who though because I couldn't leave the house," I stood up, the Evans temper flaring inside me. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sit next to someone who I won't be tempted to curse."

"Feeling a little insensitive, Moony?" Sirius asked, winking. A rumble of feet told me the kids were coming. I plopped down next to Sirius.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll leave now before Violet blows up the place," sev said, smirking.

"Thanks for the idea Sev!" I called after his billowing cape. Remus sighed and put his head on the table. Suddenly, I was blinded by red.

"Cometh my fellow Gingers! Join me in my conquest for the destruction of Remus John Lupin!" I yelled.

"Whose she?" Two twins i think asked. Gingers YASS! MY PEOPLE! "You didn't have another kid, did you Mum?" They turned to Molly.

"No dears, she's not your blood relative. Go on," she shoved their backs. "Make friends!"

"Gred and Forge Weasley, at your service. " the twins bowed. I narrowed my eyes.

"Will you or will you not assist me in the destruction of Lupin?" I said, glaring at him full force. I swear I saw him sink down lower on his chair. They turned to look at Lupin, curious looks on their faces. Lupin sighed.

"I may or may not have rescued her from jumping out of a building, and then locked her away for five years with only a house elf."

"Who has been dead for a year!" I butted in. "But then again, you saved me all those years ago. How could I ever hate you Reemy?" I next to him and gave him a hug.

"Peachy had been dead for a year? Why didn't you write us sooner? We would have come and gotten you!" Remus replied.

"Wow... This one sucks."

"This what Cat?"


"Oh shut up you toe rag." I said out loud. Everybody turned to look at me. "Sorry. Harry's being bitchy again (when I wrote that it said Harry's being butch again 😂😂😂). He's not very happy with... Anything. At all. Ever. He's also very bad at singing."

"What's he singing now?" A bushy haired girl asked.

I dove into Harry's mind. 'Hello from the other side! I must of called a thousand times!'

"Hello from the other side! I must of called a thousand times! But really out of key."

"You know about muggle stuff?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, I lived in the muggle world for fifteen years, until I was ten," I responded casually.

"Wut." Was the general response.

"Time lock!" I sang.

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